
So I know, I've been slack since Egypt, life has been busy! Anyway last weekend I went to the Parklife festival in Manchester, I've been the past 2 years and it's always the highlight of summer!

So the first day I wore Oh My Love: Leopard blouse top and black studded shorts and primark shoes.  Act of the day: Jaguar Skills. every time I see him I feel like its been the best hour of my life!! I might be going Global gathering so if you are too, check him out!!! Also saw Disclosure, but we left slightly early to get the bus and then Sam Smith came on! Gutteeeeeed!!

The second day I wore a topshop royal blue cami and a River Island maxi skirt tied to the side with the primark shoes.I think the best was Example! I really wanted to see Dj Fresh but they were at the same time. Did anyone go to that Tree house? they had the sickest Djs! I wish it was in my life forever!! The best part was it was SUNNY all weekend, which for Manchester is a miracle!

This week I'm teaching myself how to sew pockets so I can sell pocket tee's for a few months to get some money to be able to start my brand, I've also got loads of idea's for paintings which i'm gotting down to start in August! I don't think I can afford yoga till August now, which I am gutted about but I am going to start training again, I got some beaaautiful new trainers from Sweat shop. they were quite expensive £145 but that includes £45 for orthotics, I have incredibly flat feet thanks to my dad, so hopefully these shoes are going to protect my ankle and knee. Also they do a running club every tuesday and sunday, which I'm nervous about joining when I move to Manchester!!

That's all for now dears
 Ciao x

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