Trying to save money

I am THE WORST at saving money, there I said it. It's sad to think I am so bad at it yet I am A LOT better then I used to be. I'm moving house next week plus doing driving lessons to get a car - with a holiday/festival and shopping addiction - it's hard being me and my bank balance. Here is how I am learning:
1. Send things back or walk away: I used to be pretty bad at returning items I've ordered or bought if I didn't like them and I usually left them with tags on until I sold them. Then I went through a phase of ordering myself things as a weight motivation and convincing myself once I lost weight they would be a great reward AND they would look much better. ( spoiler alert this has never happened and I usually don't like the item once it fits). Now I send things back if they don't look right or if I'm not 100% sure, I have to be 110% sure I love it if I keep it with the aim as a weight loss treat. I tend to see something in a shop and then put it down and walk away, if I can walk away fine, it's not true love and I don't truly want it. If I get (mild)palpitations about someone else owning it ( that actually happens....anyone else?) then I just may get it but only after I have a big inner battle about wants and needs.
2. Budgeting, I write out my wage each month and then knock off things like rent, bills to see what I have left, then I account for food, a shopping limit...( it's nice to think I have one...even if I always go over it) and what's left for spares. If I account for a shopping budget and keep an eye on what I've spent so far so I know when I am reaching the end of it I have to really think about buying something else. 
3. Don't buy things because they are cheap, before going on holiday I was in H&M and saw a t-shirt dress for £8 and I thought 1- this is perfect for the beach 2- SO CHEAP. I picked it up instantly, knowing I didn't have much money I then though...will I really wear this again? what will it go with? I ended up putting it down because that super cheap £8 can build up after a few times and really I didn't need it.
4. Remember what you are saving for, maybe put pictures on your phone or around the house to help remind you so when you feel bad about not getting that lipstick you can feel better about that new ride or house you'll be getting. I actually get really excited when I think I have saved now as it means I am closer to new goals. 
5. Find something to distract you, late night shopper? read a book or go for a run instead of browsing topshop or ASOS.
6. If you have a bad shopping addiction you are trying to curb or saving up for something maybe open a  new bank account. I was really struggling to save money to buy art supplies and start an art career so I opened a lloyds account and transfered some money each month. When I bought something I knew how much I had so I couldn't over spend. 
What are your tips and tricks? 
Ciao x 
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