A mini lush haul

lush bath bomb shower gel and tooth fairy toothpaste

lush bath bomb shower gel and tooth fairy toothpaste
Last weekend I went to London to see Taylor Swift ( if you're jealous -you should be she was amazing...#sorrynotsorry) and I was almost equally as excited to go into lush. I read and researched the store... I'm not crazy I just had some a lot of free time at work. 3 floors of lush goodness and heaps of products not available in Manchester. Yes, I was excited.
My number one priority was getting my hands on the comforter shower jel, I really wanted a couple but just couldn't afford it right now so stuck to one... all the more reason to go back though! I will admit the store wasn't as huge and massive as in my dreams ( isn't that always the case?) but it was amazing, there was a lot to look at and being a saturday + empty stomach I wasn't quite up for scanning every inch and asking the staff to show me some new goodies.
I did however pick up the frozen bath bomb - Did you know Lush had a frozen themed bath bomb?! I didn't and I am so freakin excited to us this next month in my new bath! -It is a Oxford St. exclusive and if I love it another reason to go back. ( do I really need another reason?) It's got quite a strong smell but I think I will look past that and just let it gooo... ( I had to okay don't judge!)
The next I picked up was the Lush Yoga bomb, which I thought would be good for calming - perfect for when you are moving house! It's also got a really nice scent to it!
The last bath bomb I got was the may day bath bomb which was brought out to help badgers, I've always wanted to pick this up and was a little too late in Manchester. 
Lastly I got the tooth fairy tooth powder, which I saw from Helen's video and thought it sounded interesting and also good for travelling. I wasn't overly in love with the snow fairy product but then again I haven't used it for a long time so may need to retry to fall in love. 
I will have reviews of each product coming up over the next two months so keep your eyes peeled! 
What are you favourite lush products or lust haves?! 
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  1. OMG, I'm so jealous - Taylor Swift is amazing!!! I love lush stores, great products :)

    Pop over to my blog!


  2. Very jealous of Taylor Swift! I really wanted to go but couldn't find anyone to go with me lol

    John | Shout John

    1. Awww no gutted!! Let's pray she comes back ASAP I feel like I just need to see her all the time! ahaha x

  3. Amazing! I'm planning a trip in August and cannot wait! I've only tried Guardians so far, but the yoga bomb is high on my list! You'll love Badgers, it's got a lovely fennel scent!


    1. The yoga bomb smells amazing definitely a good choice! Ohh I didn't see Guardians! I love the smell of the may day it's like a nice fresh scent that really attracted me!! x

  4. The Comforter shower gel looks amazing, may have to pick some up for myself! I personally love the Golden Egg, because who doesn't love stepping out of the bath covered in more gold than Smaug!

    1. I've never tried the golden egg! I won't lie the glittery ones scare me a little!! Like I'd have to have another bath to get all that glitter off ahaha! I may try one one day! The comforter is amazing its shiny and smells delicious! x
