When it's okay to smell like wet dog

I love lush, I do... and I do love this product - there is just one thing...the smell. It smells like wet dog...a spicy wet dog. And that's okay... to smell like a wet dog for a few minutes while you cleanse your face. The other day I spoke about cleansing your face with a cleansing brush so I wanted a good cleanser to go with it. A lot of people had talked about Clinique but at £20 a go and a holiday to save for I just couldn't do it. At the last blogger meet up we were kindly given little samples from lush and this was one of them. I felt the sample didn't do the product justice so decided to get the full large sized product. Smell aside this is a really great product and to be fair the smell isn't that bad, I feel like once you recognise the smell though there is no going back... so...SORRY if it never hit you before and now all you smell is wet dog. 

It's got a thick consistency kinda like wax and does feel oily when you put it on but my skin doesn't feel oily at all after using this. It feels really smooth and fresh and the smell doesn't linger I promise! Though this teams perfectly with the cleansing brush you will need a damp cloth to get it off completely, when I first tried without it, due to the oils I found it difficult to feel like I had gotten it all off and was scrubbing for some time. The pot is around just under £6 and has lasted quite some time so it's definitely good value for money. Would I repurchase? Yes! - Unless someone can recommend a nicer smelling good value cleanser then I may reconsider! x

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A lazy girls way to cleanse...

It's no secret that the past month or so has been insanely busy for me so I needed a way to be able to cleanse my skin quickly. Although I have always cleansed my skin I did want to step it up a little because I was just using a cleanser on a wipe and I was still getting some spots. I really wanted something like a magnitone because I've heard good things but for the price I just couldn't justify it as I wasn't even sure how much use I would get so at christmas I spotted this cheaper version by No. 7 and asked my parents for it.

 Personally I've never tried a Magnitone so I can't compare the two but I do really love this one by No. 7. It's got two speed settings and paired with Lush's ultrabland it manages to get all my make up off and my face smooth and soft  though I did feel the brush head was a little rough at first I think it was just the way I was angling it. This really doesn't take long to do and I actually really enjoy it! I got two extra brush heads with this as well and it's so easy to clean with some warm water and soap. Since using the two, along with an improvement in diet my skin has cleared up so much and those annoying under the skin spots on my chin are starting to show less and less. If you're looking for a cleansing brush but don't want to pay a fortune I would really recommend this! 

Ultrabland review coming in the next few days! xx

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BBG 1.0 Weeks 1-4 update

Left after week 4 and right is just after pre-training!

I am totally a week late with this update SORRY! I explained in the last post life got a little mental! I've tried sticking to the plan as much as I can! I've started properly doing LISS by doing 35-45 minutes on a treadmill - doing a fast walk uphill incline, I've been watching TED talks at the same time to get my mind going as well. I won't lie I had a bit of a lapse one week, I was just super run down, I hadn't noticed a lot of progress and I cut the week short and drank a little too much and had one to many takeaways. A few days later I brushed it off and pushed on again re-motivated with how awful I felt eating badly. Progress was starting to be seen again! mostly on my thighs and also I am building some serious guns man! Slowly but surely the waist is shrinking but I think that's going to make the most change in weeks 9-12 though I have seen a lot of peoples progress in weeks 6-7 so I'ld be excited to see what happens before Thailand. The plan is getting harder and I've had to start going to the gym properly as I need all the equipement, I was a little nervous at first but now I just put everything I need in a corner and get on with it, I actually think I do much better at my workouts at the gym with people there to see if I try to give up too early. Things I've acheived is being able to do 15 push ups in a row easy. EASY. I didn't think that would be possible and I'm getting better at how many commando's I can do. So the outside progress may be slower than how I feel on the inside but I honestly feel so much stronger and better!! 

Here's to the next 4 weeks! 

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Goal wishlist

So...life has been mental, I've kinda gone into overdrive into making and painting for my shop with working 20-30 hours overtime and gymming as well, safe to safe I AM exhausted, I'm telling myself its a good kind of exhausted but I need to get better at time management because I need to squeeze in that time for blog posts - I am getting a teeeeeeeeny bit better at posting on my fashion blog - okay I'm rambling. So last week in all the chaos of life I tried to spend some time reading blog posts and I LOVED this one by reinventing Neesha where she talked about her goals and beauty things she would reward herself if she achieved them. It made me think of all the million and one things I want and how I could push myself to work harder to earn them. - I didn't want to focus on one thing so I've made goals for all aspects of my life blog/art/ money. 

So some goal/treat ideas

1. ADIDAS cheetah stan smiths. BEAUT BEAUT BEAUT. I can purchase these once I have properly completed BBG 1.0 this means sticking to my LISS and doing ALL my resistance and HIIT when it gets introduced. These kind of shoes NEED to be earnt. 

2. Triple helix piercing, I've wanted this for a while and was going to go last month but realised that money for Thailand was much more important so I decided to make this a goal. I can get this once I have sold my first 10 jars

3. Foot tattoo's I saw a pic of a blogger with some simple traditional flowers on both her ankles and I've really loved the idea, I would have to work it around my current foot tattoo but decided to treat myself once I've finally gotten rid of that pesky overdraft.

4. Olivia Burton tortoiseshell watch, oh my god this is my dream watch, I want to start doing stall's so decided that I can do this once I've made £500 at a stall. ( I'm going to re-assess this once I've started stalling incase that's just a bit unobtainable...)

5. Get some black and white Nike Roshe Runs, I have a pair of these to send back because the tick is silver and maybe that sounds weird but if I am paying £70 for a pair of black and white shoes I want my tick to be WHITE. so decided to put these off  until I have completed BBG 1.0 for the second time with higher weights. 

6. Buy a Charlotte Tilbury highlighter, a girl tried this out on my when I tested for my foundation and I have never wanted a highlighter so much, oh my god. Can't get this until I've gotten 500 bloglovin followers!  -C'mon and help me out folks aha! 

7. Get Gallance Dore's book Live Life Love - I've wanted this for ages so decided this can be a treat once I have gotten up to 500 twitter followers

8. Get a leopard print triangl bikini, I've lusted after this for so long but agreed to myself I wouldn't get this until I had nicely toned up - it's going to take a lot of work but it'll be worth it! 

9. Get grey/pastel hair, I've wanted this for tiiiiime, but the up keep is something I just can't afford at the moment. so decided this one is happening when I pay off my credit card. ( I may also treat myself to a Charlotte Tilbury magic cream..... you can never have enough CT!) 

10.  Nars cruella lip pencil, something else I've wanted for ages, named after one of my favourite and most stylish villians. I can treat myself once I have 500 instagram followers

11. Olivia burton bee watch - Sell 30 paintings, I've become obsessed with colour study paintings, they will be coming to the shop this weekend once they are dry, at the moment I have 11 canvas's but I hope to order a lot more in april for when I do the stalls. 

12. Treat myself to some topshop jeans, I've honestly not worn jeans for years now because of inner thigh chaffing and just generally being uncomfortable. So I decided when I have shrunk my inner thighs a little more I'm going to treat myself to my first pair of jeans in ages. Through the BBG plan I have managed to shrink the things A LOT, I'm so happy with it, I definitely feel more confident so perhaps by the end of the plan I'll have a pair of jeans! 

That's all I've got so far, making this list has been so much fun, I may do a post in 6 months time with an update on how I got on with all my goals- or I may come back and slash them off when done. Have you written a list like this? what's on your wishlist? xx

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