Berlin Street Style - Angelika Taschen

So... I was walking through waterstones and my eyes fell upon this beaut. Now, people say don't judge a book by its cover but... I pretty much bought this one because of the cover. I had my eye on the Paris street style but when I saw these yellow and red leopard spots I couldn't resist. (I've always been a spots over stripes kinda person)

This book is amazing, its a great read, insightful and the pictures are inspiring. It talks about the general Berlin styles and how they are worn - like how they style the leather jacket. It talks about shopping, clothes, jewellery, home.... everything! I just love the whole style. It talks about styling yourself and your home with pages full of little tips and tricks. If you are planning a trip to Berlin - this book has got you sorted with shops to go to and places to eat or stay.

Angelika has a really lovely writing style that comes off very friendly and the whole book in a way feels personal she gives insight to what she wears and how she decorates her home and her opinions on what is chic and what is a faux pas. She even gives you tips on hosting the perfect party!

Have you guys read this? What did you think? What about the Paris street style?

Ciao x

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