Book: Nele Neuhaus - Big Bad Wolf

I love Nele Neuhaus's style of writing, guaranteed this book is actually translated from German she has a way of hooking you in for more. This is a kind of sequel to her first book ' Snow white must die' what I mean is the entire story itself is separate but the cops solving the case were in the previous book and sometimes refer to some events in that book - you don't really need to read the other book to read this though. I was so hooked on this book when I came back in from Lost and Found ( read about that here) at like 4am I would sit up reading this for another hour!
She doesn't pick her topics lightly the book is essentially about child molestation in Germany and starts off with a dead body being found of a young girl who had been sexually abused. When you think you have this book sussed out she throws in another plot twist. The book has a few different plots and characters that run along side together and throughout the book start to intertwine and like I said you think you know whose who and whose the baddies and what's happened but you just have no idea sometimes. She kinda drops little hints here or there. If you're not shy of these kinda topics I definitely recommend this book, she has a new one out in hardback so I'll wait for the paperback copy and get that ASAP. I wish more of her books were translated over because I think there are around 7 books in this series in German and I just want to read them all! 

Have you read this? Or 'Snow White must die' ? What did you think? 
I'm still quite new at book reviews so if you have any tips let me know! :)

Ciao x
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The sleek contour kit in ' light' feat. the realtechniques contour brush

beauty review sleek contour kit in light and realtechniques contour brush
Before I go into this post can we just appreciate this amazing Vogue cover of Emilia Clarke?! 
Okay appreciation done.... Last week I bought my first ever contour kit, being super white I've always been quite sceptical about contouring because the highlight shade just isn't going to do anything for me..... I saw the nars contour kits and was kinda like... hmm... maybe I should try one?! but at around £30 quid I just couldn't justify it. So I turned to google and found the MUCH cheaper sleek option. 
I've used a sleek blush before so I knew to be quite light with the amount of product used. I found this shade I'm not overly sold on it, maybe I need a little more practice or perhaps a more rosy-hue'd product. as I thought the highlight didn't show too much but that really can't be blamed on the product as I use the lightest shades going. The contouring shade is matte which I really like and the highlight does have some shimmer to it so although it doesn't show up heaps on me I get a nice little shimmer going. 
I will say this brush is GORGEOUS. oh god, it's so much softer then I even dreamed, it blends in amazingly. It's a bit of a splurge at £22 but honestly if you're going to get a contour brush make it this one.
 I kinda loosely followed the patterns that come with the contour kit and I did like the contour but I definitely need more practice. This is a great starter kit for someone like me just trying to get into this. I found contouring the nose really simple, but my jaw looked kinda weird I think because of the orangey hue, and I won't like I don't really know how contouring my cheeks is any different from putting on bronzer?! Just me?! 
any tips for a beginner? 
Ciao x 
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Hey guys! just a cheeky little update! Sorry for the insane lack of posts! I had quite a few planned but I've been doing a crazy amount of overtime and studying for my theory test and I wasn't organised enough to sort my posts out in time!! Expect me back on track next monday! 
what have you all been up to? 
Ciao x
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Recipe - sweet potato + spinach Mac and cheese

Yay it's a new recipe! This has just been tried and tested by myself and it is YUM. Guaranteed this was winged a little bit.....Also you can expect to see one common thing in most of my recipes - Sweet potato, not only is it much healthier I just can't get enough of it! ( Hello sweet potato fries!) 

Bloody macro lens!!
As I said I absolutely winged this recipe so I think in the future I will do a much more updated and improved version but I still really liked this so I wanted to put it up anyway! I was inspired by this recipe by Naturally Ella but I am really bad at adding flour to recipes so wanted to take this out and had the idea of using Mascarpone instead but when I was at the supermarket I saw Garlic and herb philly and thought that would be better since I was going to add garlic and herbs anyway - no brainer right!? 
First off Ingredients! ( I made enough for 3-4 portions. )
2 - sweet potatos
250g grated cheddar( I bought this already grated) 
Garlic and Herb philadelphia ( the small pack.... and I used just under 3/4 of it)
Just over half a pack of spinach.
Lucy Bee coconut oil ( standard!) 
Pasta ( shape of your choice, I'm obsessed with the swirly one at the moment!)
1. peel and cut your sweet potato and then chuck it in the microwave for 8-9 minutes.
2. Boil some water and chuck your pasta in and cook till it's al dente, 
3. chop up your spinach chuck in some lucy bee and then fry your spinach to soften it. 
4. Now this is the step I would change, I mashed my sweet potato but if you can puree it instead. The easiest way to describe it is that I had a kinda brownie mix texture instead of a sauce to pour over the pasta. 
5. once your spinach has softened mix in the philly. because I was making a pretty big amount I used just over half the packet. 
6. mix in your sweet potato with the spinach and philly.
7. because my mix was quite solid I then put half the pasta in the ceramic and then poured some cheese over it and then spread this mix over the top and then did this one more time to use up all the pasta and mix and then sprinkled the remaining cheddar on top.
8. cook it in the oven on around Gas Mark 5 for around 8-10 minutes( really just until the cheese has melted) 
9 EAT. 
It's such a simple recipe, like my other one it's pretty cheap to make, I'm not sure how healthy it is with all that cheddar on it but I think next time I would swap the cheddar out for something like Mozzarella or Halloumi maybe? 
if you guys try this or mix it up with other cheese or veg let me know! :) 
Ciao x
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Lost & Found - My first festival 'abroad'

I love festivals. I love the atmosphere, the people, the music, the style - everything! I've been to several festivals now - Leeds, Parklife, Glasto to name a few... but I kept dreaming of festivals abroad, they have some amazing line ups! Next year I really want to try to do as many festivals as I can but this year I will settle for 3-5. When Annie Mac announced a brand new festival in Malta called 'Lost and Found' I was buzzing, I had always wanted to go to Malta so it kinda killed two birds with one stone! 
' Lost and Found' is a dance/house fesitval. Some of the acts I saw were: Shy FX, Kaytranada, Heidi, MK, Skream/Route 94, Eats everything, the lady herself - Annie Mac and various other people. We didn't get a hotel through the festival and instead got an apartment close by to save money ( turned out it was opposite one of the hotels in the packages offered so this was a pretty good idea!)
I had absolutely no idea how this was going to work espcially when I saw the shuttle bus operated from 8pm to 6am!! Basically they had pool parties and djs in the day with boat parties you could buy tickets for and then at a separate site all the Djs were on at night over 4 stages with a full day event on the sunday. I went on the Skream/route 94 boat party and once we took off and my seasickness went I had such a great time. Guaranteed I have A LOT of sleep to be catching up on! 

The festival was quite small around £7,500 which was actually really nice because we constantly found ourselves bumping into people we had met before! As well as the 4 stages it had a chill out area full of flamingo's! It was so cool! They had bars at every stage and I never had to wait that long for a drink! It wasn't ridiculously expensive but I did find I spent a lot more then expected and actually the festival is one of the best organised I've ever been to, I never had to really queue at all!!
Sadly I didn't get to see too much of Malta itself but all I will say is - it's one windy place!( something I was not prepared for!) From the boat it did look stunning. I took pretty much just beach clothes and had to borrow a jumper! Though it was only windy for a few days! Would I go back? - absolutely! next time I'll take a few more jumpers though!
Did any of you go? what festivals do you recommend? 
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Book: Berlin Street Style

I remember buying this book last year before I went home to make a perfect beach read. I had been lusting after ' Paris street style' for some time and well....I saw the leopard print next to it and picked up this one instead. ( initially I put it back trying to be good but got mild palpitations in the costa inside that someone else was going to take it and bought it!......mild shopping problem?.... me?) 
Anyway it was worth it! This book is packed full of tips and tricks; how to style yourself for the day( those daily essentials...) for certain events and even tips on styling your home. It even has tips on how to dress for your yoga class! It's got beauty tips and tips for where to shop, eat, stay and drink if you ever venture to Berlin. The book has got some great photography and illustrations and Angelika has a great writing style - she makes it really feel like she is talking to you!
Have you ever read this book? What do you think of it? 
Ciao x
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Witch - Overnight serum

skincare review witch overnight spot clearing serum
When I opened my goody bag from the meet up and saw this first I was so excited. I had been looking for something new to put on my skin at night so it was kinda like fate.
When I first tried this I had a massive chin spot, you know those hanging under the skin ones? maybe it's grim but I hate them so much I claw at my skin till it's gone and a horrible big scab is left in place. I kinda felt like I was well and truly putting this to the test as it's supposed to visibly reduce spots - I am the only one who never believes that?
Anyway so I put this on, it smells like witch hazel if you've ever tried their products before, I rather enjoy it.... anyway... I put like a 5p amount in my fingers and rubbed on my face and I could feel it working straight away. It wasn't a stinging sensation but I could feel it doing it's magic in particular on my chin spot. I felt like I had put too much on and was worried about it sitting on my face but within moments my skin had drunk it in and there was no oily feeling of product on my face. Woke up the next day and I will admit, my spot was visibly smaller. I couldn't believe it! I use this every night now and I really do recommend it! It's absolutely going to become a staple of mine.
Have you tried this? what are you favourite overnight serum?
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Current Lip balm favourites

Everybody needs em. Lip balms. I have really dry lips and can't really go days without one.
 Initially it was all about the Baby lips, a clear one and the red cherry one for when I wore red lippie, these are really moisturising and soft. Personally sometimes I like a harder lipbalm, when my lips get really bad espcially in winter really soft lip balms don't really do much for me and then came my obsession with the Korres lip balms. Now I haven't really featured them before because you can't actually buy these which is a MASSIVE shame because they are amazing. These come in the Etihad business class little bag things - you know the ones with the socks and toothbrush. Before you comment, I have never flown business class with Etihad but my parents frequently use their air miles to bump up and since Etihad is AD's airline they use it quite a few times when travelling. Next time I go home I think I am going to hang back and then go through all the ones left over and steal all the lip balms(because there is a chance once my 5 are gone thats it :( ).... that's how much I love these. Anyway Korres do do lip butters and I think I am going to get a few of these to try. 
At the blogger meet up we were gifted the Blistex lip balms, the Balmi lip balm and this cute personalised lip balm from sweet cecily's - it has me on it!!! ( they also do make your own kits! - perfect presents!) My flavour is strawberrys and cream which was really sweet of them! I haven't used the Balmi lip balm too much but it has an amazing coconut smell and is really moisturising. I haven't used it much as I have pretty much been reaching for the Blistex lip balms - Strawberry and Mango these taste and smell AMAZING. I would say these are similar to the baby lips in softness and moisturising levels but...better? I prefer them to the baby lips and plus they smell much better!
What are your favourite lip balms? 
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