January Haul

Hey guys!
Thought today's blog post would be about some of the things I bought/ was given (for birthday/Christmas) this month! I am in no way trying to brag about anything ( maybe except that I have amazing friends with amazing taste!!)

Okay so first up, I already blogged about some products in this picture, the Naked Flushed, Hello Oxygen foundation and Porefessional so I won't go into these. Also I just realised I bought the jewellery stand to the left which I think once I fully sort out my make up collection and storage I will do a whole post about that. The other stand was also from Urban Outfitters and that was a present from my sister!

So as you can see at the front are some RealTechniques brushes, the blush brush and expert face brush were presents from  work colleagues and I bought the eye-shadow brush as I had just lost my topshop one. The main thing I can say is, believe the hype about these brushes. I watched a lot of beauty bloggers/vloggers go on about these and I was like...are they really that good? I always used to use my fingers when applying foundation and I heard it helped add oils from your fingers to your face and at the time I had a really oily face all the time, also I had a MAC foundation brush and it was taking forever for me to get it all on and set on my face and when you have 20 minutes to get ready in the morning that's not ideal. The expert face brush is a revelation if you were to buy your first brush make it this one! I also found the eye-shadow brush picks up heaps more pigment then my Topshop one however I don't feel like it blends it as well so I usually have to go over the edges with a blending brush.

Secondly there are a few nail products: two Essie nail polishes and a nail buffer. One of my new year beauty resolutions is to take better care of my nails. So I bought a new Essie base coat ( it's the hydration one) and a buffer so I can start giving myself some proper manicures. The Essie nail colour is called ' All Tied Up' and if you go to Fragrance Direct most of the nail polishes are only £2.50!!!

The last couple of products are the Rimmel Scandaleyes, Lush Santa Scrub and MACs Sable frost eye-shadow. First of all I LOVE this eye shadow it was a gift from my friends and I had eyed it up for my palette. It's perfect for an everyday eye-shadow or even mixing with a darker shade for going out. The Lush santa scrub tastes DELICIOUS however I always wipe it off as you have lots of little dead skin once you've truly started to rub it in so the joy of taste is short-lived.  Lastly the Scandaleyes, to be honest I am still deciding how I feel about this, the brush shape is slightly weird and I can't decide if it is any better then my false lash mascara, I think I won't be repurchasing this.

Next up is this Oxblood bag from Topshop, this was a gift and I had always wanted a bag that opens up like a doctors bag, you know the way the sides are together when its closed and open into a sort of rectangle shape?! Maybe I'm a little weird like that but the fact the bag does this makes me insanely happy. It's the perfect sized bag and I generally can fit everything I need for the day in it, the way it closes also means no rain will get in and living in Manchester this is essential!!

These shoes I had been eyeing up for a while, I used to have some gorgeous ankle boots from River Island which I wore to death and I had been hunting for ages for a brown ankle boot replacement. Something about brown ankle boots in winter, I don't know! These were on sale from Topshop for £25 - I couldn't resist! I would just say is someone has laced these up mighty weird as the laces come from the bottom of the shoe not the top.

Lastly are two items of clothing both from Topshop, being January I was pretty broke so I couldn't go on mad ones, if you remember my last lust haves both these items featured and I got them both in the sale, the trousers for a tenner and the dress for £15. Happy days!

So that's all I've been buying/receiving. Even though I need to be careful with money in Feb I have eye'd up a lot of MAC products that may need to be mine.....

What have you guys been buying? Or what did you get for christmas that you loved??

Ciao x

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