Book: The Rosie Project.

It wasn't really my intention to write about books on my blog, I am a massive bookworm so maybe it makes sense I drop a book review or two...

I finished this book the other day and all I wanted to do is share with the world just how much I loved it! without giving too much Don Tillman has no luck with women. One day he decides he is going to find himself a wife and develops the wife project: a questionnaire. Don has a very particular way of thinking, it possibly verges on autistic, he is aware he thinks differently but he never admits he is autistic. It is so interesting the way he thinks and you can't help but feel for him in all the situations he gets himself into.

Obviously comes Rosie into his life, everything the questionnaire says he doesn't want. Maybe it's a little stereotypical knowing what will happen but it still has a few shocks and surprises throughout the book.

I'm really trying not to give anything away but I really do recommend you get this book! It's an addictive read!

Have you read this already? what did you think? any books to recommend?

Ciao x

P.s picture isn't mine as I have misplaced my camera and will be updated saturday with my own pic. Oops. 


  1. I have this sitting on my shelf gathering dust and I've never bothered with it! I will as soon as Ive finished Gone Girl!! xx

    1. Both are completely amazing books! this is a much easier read haha ! x
