Personal: Sunday 11th May

I know.
I've been pretty poor at blogging this past week and ever poorer at getting a vlog out.
I have actually got a Vlog filmed, it just needs to be edited. I've just been crazy busy lately.

Amid several relationship dramas ( not mine, but I'm there as a friend of course), back to salsa, seeing Mcbusted ( BEST. NIGHT. EVER) and a sewing course - I haven't had as much time. I've also been trying to get back into running outdoors again.... I have been getting better at planning and organising not only my blogging life but everyday life so that weekly plan I promised - I WILL get back on track.

After my last book post, I realised being a complete bookworm, book reviews was something I really wanted to do every now and again when I find a book I just have to blog about.

Another thing I really want to focus on, is getting healthy and loosing weight. I know everyone has those new year resolutions. THIS YEAR I will shrink for summer and usually ( apart from the beginning of last year) I have pretty much never achieved this. I did really well last year going from my heaviest 10 st 2 at new year ( one too many roasts...) to 8 st 7 - I'm not sure if this was my smallest, I think it was because I fit in clothes I can only just get on now. I don't really weigh myself so I don't go off weight but how clothes fit me. at 5ft weight this much is quite embarrassing for me but I feel confident enough in myself now to say that.

Over the past month or so, I have started to get better at my healthy commitment and I have found myself loosing some weight. I also FEEL better in myself so I thought I might start blogging on my tips, tricks and what I do to shed the weight.

What has also prompted this is I have just bought the - I quit sugar book by Sarah Wilson. Now I am looking at this in the same way I am looking at being healthy I know for myself its not realistic to be healthy ALL the time, same way I know I will not realisticly cut sugar out( bar the recommended amount) completely. My aim with this is to change my choices, I already prefer not going to burger joints and picking up something lighter or looking at my options and thinking which is the healthiest ( I think I will do a post after a few months with my tips for eating out) so I wanted to change what I cook at home and learn to cut sugar out as much as I can. She listed a lot of symptoms of what too much sugar can do and I felt most if not all applied to me.

So expect some healthy posts aswell! I promise I will do some beauty posts this week aswell.
No more slacking!

Ciao bellas x

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