Beauty: Review - Naked 3 palette.

So... since the day I first laid eyes on the fact there was a naked 3 and the shades in it, I think my heart exploded a little inside. Of course the entire beauty/blogging world also went mad for it and it was sold out preeetty much straight away.
When I was home it was heaps more expensive from sephora so I waited; and waited, till the day I found it again, and NOW IT'S MINE!!!!
The shades are exactly the kind of shades I am putting in my MAC eyeshadow palette, whites, pinks and browns. Pretty neutral but thats what I love.

In the Naked 2 palette, Tease was my ultimate favourite go to day-to-day eyeshadow a nice matte purpley brown that wasn't overly obvious. So...from the day I saw this palette I was preeeeeeeeetty excited about Nooner which is a more pinky matte and I have to say its GORGEOUS!! I can't pick a favourite honestly!! The other Matte shade is limit a really soft pink which I like to use on the inners and then blend out into nooner sometimes to open up my eyes a little.

It has two dark shades which are Darkside which is like a dark chocolatey brown and Blackheart which is a black with pink shimmer. I really like darkside because sometimes I find the black in the Naked 2 palette is just a bit too strong for me so this is a little more suttle. I also tried a smokey eye with Liar and factory which I really liked. I might do some Naked 3 Palette looks as a blog post, what do you think?  The strange in this palette is pretty similar to Foxy and Dust is a little sickly looking so I think those will be the two I use the least. Trick is also very similar to half baked.

I will say the brush is A LOT better in this palette, I found in the Naked 2 the brush just didn't pick up the pigment really at all and occasionally I would use the blending side but this brush picks it up and applies it really well on either side!

I think that this is definitely my favourite palette of the 3 which I really didn't think was possible considering how much I loved the naked 2. It retails at £37 which okay maybe it feels expensive but your getting twelve heavily pigmented shades and it works out around £3 per shade so when you think about it this is an absolute bargain!! And in all honestly I used Tease nearly everyday for 6 months and I am no where near pan!

Here's some more pics and comparing it to the Naked 2 palette.

What are your favourite shades?? Or Naked Palette? 
Ciao x

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