Beauty: Review - Rimmel Apocalips

Heya guys
So as I mentioned in my video I am doing a blog post about the Rimmel Apocalips, I've been wanting to do this for a while as I pretty much obsessed about them the moment I put them on my lips and I fell in love with the colours straight away!

I got these on 2 for £9 which is an absolute bargain! And I was even happier because it meant I didn't have to choose between the two I bought as they are my top two colours! So I got Galaxy and Across the Universe.... as I wanted an almost neutral and a red -These just glide on! I was a little worried about them being patchy as this happened with my topshop gloss ink but no... they aren't at all! and when I initially tried Galaxy it looks quite dark and purpley and I did question myself but once I smoothed it out it looked perfect! I don't feel like I have to keep topping this up constantly and it just feels really nice and hydrating on my lips. I'm not really a 'gloss/tint' kinda girl but these are definitely converting me!!

My next two shades are going to be Stellar ( a pink/peachy kind of shade) and Celestial ( a nudey/pink - which looks similar to my lipshade)

Here are some pics of them on:

Which are you favourite shades?

Anyone like my new ride?

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