Beauty: Review - Lord and Berry replacement

Hey Everyone,
So on thursday I finally received my Lord and Berry replacement, if you don't know the back story you can read it here. So I got my replacement foundation in Ivory which is the shade I initially wanted and they were nice enough to add in a Luxury Liner. This came in a nice big case aswell!

So this time I stuck a pin down the top as recommended, I can't say if this needs to be done every time but from memory it was a lot easier to get my foundation out, it definitely wasn't as thick this time! Retrying the foundation it felt really light and refreshing on my face! It is a little thicker I feel, then the hello oxygen but not as bad as I remember, you just need a tiny bit more and it spreads beautifully with the expert face brush for a really good coverage. It's a buildable coverage as my cheeks are very red and I needed to add a little bit extra there. All in all I stick by what I said last time, I do really like this foundation it retails at around £20 and I think it is really worth the money.

As a bonus they added the Luxury Liner, its a really nice soft consistency, sometimes I find with pencils they can be quite rough and feel like they are scratching me or you need to work them quite a bit before using them. This goes on straight away its got a really heavy pigment so you dont have to keep going over it to make it really black and the softness means its easy to smudge to get that perfect smokey eye look. I think this can cost between £8-9 so for the quality it's not expensive at all.

So I'm pretty chuffed with these, Lord and Berry have well and truly redeemed themselves and I will be purchasing more of their products in the future! Have you guys bought any? Which L&B product is your favourite?

Ciao x

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