Book: The girl on the train

As I mentioned in my previous review I am really into crime thrillers at the moment. 'The girl on the train' has had so much hype around it lately I decided to give it a go whilst on holiday. 
First of all: I read this book in a day - it was addictive. I loved Rachel as a character, like I loved the way she thinks about things, I often have the same thought process. Basically the story is about a couple that Rachel passes on the train everyday and she nicknames them Jess and Jason in her head and pictures this perfect life they have together and what they are like as people. One day the train passes and Rachel see's something that she knows is wrong. To make things more complicated her ex-husband lives like 3 doors down with his new wife and baby. 

You follow Rachel as she's going through a really bad patch throughout her life and see her try to turn things around and as she tries to help this mystery couple out. You also follow the ex-wife Anna and ' jess' and get an understanding of their not so perfect lives showing that not everything is as it seems.
 Without revealing anything there was something that I predicted to happen, as in I kinda had an inkling about the bad guy but this didn't affect the rest of the book and I couldn't have predicted how it all came about.

Paula has a really nice and easy writing style, and each character gets a good clear personality. I never felt like the book was being dragged out at any point. I'm not sure it's a 10/10 but it's a 9/10 for me! 

What did you make of this? 
Ciao x
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Review - Zara's budget friendly perfumes!

zara budget friendly perfume beauty
Of all the places to buy perfume from Zara was not on the top of my list, I had seen their perfumes before but never once thought to actually smell them. About a month ago a friend came over with two of the bottles and they smelt divine....then she goes - they were only a tenner! only. I had to get something for a friend for her birthday so me and my mate decided this would be perfect! At £10 we could get her a lovely bottle of perfume without blowing our entire birthday budget. 
Naturally we had to smell them all and I fell in love with this perfume, I think it's limited edition so I would absolutely recommend you get to a Zara asap. It's not an overly heavy scent and it smells like it should cost a lot more then £10. I'm trying to think of how to describe this, it's like fruity musky kinda smell.
If you can't get your hands on this smell the oriental or fruity ones as they are just as lovely, infact my other friend got the oriental so that we can do swapsies.
Which Zara scent is your favourite?
Ciao x
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My blogging goals

Following on from the #lblogger chat the other day everyone was talking about their blogging goals. Now I do have blogging goals but I try not to take them too seriously because I used to get quite bogged down when I felt like my blog wasn't really going anywhere and I was putting my all into it. 
I've got loads of ideas for posts I'm just trying to work around the fact my 18-55mm lens broke as a macro can only do so much. ( It really hates trying to take a picture of my face...) anyway.... here's a few of my goals!
1) Get my fashion blog running again! - yeah soz about that, it's real hard getting someone to take pictures you know? Plus life went a bit mental, I promise I will be picking this back up in June!!
2) Reach 500 bloglovin followers by the end of the year, - this may be overly optimistic but I won't cry if I don't get it. ( okay maybe a little... )
3) Get 500 youtube followers, funny thing about this is I actually need to make videos... which leads me onto
4) Film at least 15 youtube videos, I've had so many idea's for over a year so this summer I really want to go about making quite a few of them, I want to spend more time filming and trying out different styles!
5) Reach 50,000 views by the end of the year, I think this will be the most realistic of them all. Would be nice if you all came back you know :) 
6) Get my writing style down. I read some blogs and their writing is SO good, It feels like they are talking to you and you can see their personality come through and I want to get to this point! 
I also really need to start scheduling tweets more, as I was chatting to someone, it's just so tedious. But. it does need to be done. :( I have a few other idea's about featuring more blogs on here and twitter again it's something I started to do and just stopped and I really don't know why so more blogger interaction coming up in June too! 
What are your blogging goals? 
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Book: S.J Watson - before I go to sleep

book review SJ watson before I go to sleep
Okay, I know, I am super late on the bandwagon with this one. I've wanted to read this book for ages and honestly I'm not sure why I never picked it up but a holiday is always the perfect time to get a new read or two!(or five in my case..). I'm kinda obsessed with crime thrillers at the moment!
The story is essentially about Christine who wakes up everyday and has forgotten everything from the day before. There's little hints right from the beginning that something isn't right, should she trust her husband? I'll admit throughout this book I was right along with her like ' don't trust him!!!.... maybe he's alright...NO! ...then maybe he isn't the bad guy here'. The book unfolds in a really capturing way that makes you want to understand what the heck is happening to Christine. You really feel for her Christine is really vocal about all her emotions and thoughts and I found her character really relatable. 
The only thing that kinda irked me was that the book is supposed to be written as if it's her journal entries but the way it is written it's not really like a journal entry....if that makes any sense. And for someone with such poor memory how can she remember the exact words someone said earlier?! I sure couldn't! If you ignore that minor fact ( and it is only minor because I do really like the way she has written it, it just didn't feel like a journal entry to me..) this is a really great book! Overall? 9/10! 
I'm thinking about watching the movie now, has anyone seen it? is it worth it? 
Ciao x
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Review: Topshop velvetine lipstick

beauty review topshop velvetine lip stain
A while back I debated getting a lip stain from Sephora(after all the hype) and decided to get something else instead and then get this from topshop after hearing a few good things about this one.  I am a massive advocate of Topshops beauty products but honestly? I was left more then a little disappointed with this one. I found when I applied this it was really patchy and I had to go over it with a lipstick to even out the colour. The colour itself is a lovely deep red very similar to MACs russian red ( which I went over it with). 
I will say it did have good lasting power and when I just had the stain on it didn''t print on anything it was just a shame it was so patchy. For £10 I really don't think it is worth it and I'm going to invest in the Sephora version this month so look out for a review of that later! 
What did you make of this? 
Ciao x
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Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick in 03

beauty lipstick review rimmel kate moss lipstick 03
Most people are getting into bright lips for summer but I am seriously digging the nude lip. In particular a more brown toned nude lip. After CTs 'bitch perfect' continuing to elude me I saw Lily Melrose use this nude and I thought.... this could be the one.
And it was! This is the perfect nude shade I was after, the pink matches my lips and the brown gives it that little something extra. I love pairing this lip with a bronzed face - foxes inspired. This lipstick has a good lasting stay but does need to topped up every couple of hours.  I don't mind though at £5.49 it's an absolute bargain & it's got great pigmentation! I'm thinking about pairing it with MACs ' whirl' to help with the lasting power. I don't feel like this is drying on the lips either which is great as I constantly need to reach for the lip balm recently!
Which is your favourite Kate Moss lipstick?
Ciao x
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Max factor cream puff blush - Nude Mauve

beauty review max factor creme puff blush nude mauve
I'm 100% a bronzer kinda girl, I think because I'm naturally pink toned I haven't really found blushes that do much for me...until now. Like most beauty bloggers I've been lusting after the hourglass blushes but couldn't afford the hefty price tag. And like most beauty bloggers I rushed to these Max-factor near perfect alternatives. 
At around £9 they are significantly cheaper, I ended up choosing nude mauve because it seemed really nice and natural and had bronze undertones so you end up getting a nice little bronzed glow. The pigmentation is really good and it blends in nicely which you can build up to your desired look. 
My favourite thing to do with this is to contour my cheeks with a rimmel bronzer and then apply this on the apples of my cheeks. I think I am definitely going to venture into getting a few more of these and ease myself into more blushes, I think I will put lavish mauve or alluring rose on my next to get list!
Have you tried these? Which shades are your favourite?! x
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Review: eat nourish glow - Amelia Freer

Picture taken from Google.

This year I really wanted to get my healthy eating in order and improve my health and fitness, which you may have caught glimpses of.... although I haven't yet got my own kitchen to fully be able to do this. I decided in order to prepare myself I needed further education on nutrition and some more healthy recipes in my life!
This is about not treating your body like a dust-bin and listening to yourself and what works for you so that you can feel great. Naturally if you are going to fill your body with the right things you are also going to loose weight - added bonus! She explains what to have in your cupboards, how to start cutting out those bad things like gluten and dairy, explains the good fats and why we need to reduce sugar as much as we can. 

This book is jam-packed with tips and Amelia has a really great way of explaining nutrition to you, like a friend talking to you. Initially when I opened it and saw how small the recipe section was, I was a little disappointed but after reading the book I was pleasantly surprised to find recipes throughout the chapters! Whilst some of this I did know ( especially after reading - I quit sugar) I still found this book really valuable and educational and I feel really inspired to start my healthy journey.

I have created a new instagram to help me on my journey: healthy_lauzb - I'll be posting a lot of recipes and progress, there is soemthing about logging it for the world to see that helps with motivation! :)  .... This is most likely going to start end of May when I'm back!

Ciao x
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