RealTechniques Bold Metals Review

This is such an unexpected post, on Thursday I received 4 of the stunning Realtechniques bold metals brushes in the post. I had absolutely no idea where they came from and a major panic I had somehow ordered them in my sleep or something! Checked all my boots accounts and no it wasn't me! I was so overwhelmed that someone would get something so beautiful for me and after some investigation - it turned out it was two of my besties from back home who wanted to surprise me with a late birthday and christmas gift!! I was so shocked and I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends! I have been having a hard time lately and these were the perfect pick me up. They have put the biggest stupid grin on my face even in these times. I had been lusting after these for a while but couldn't afford to get them!
They got me the 200 oval shadow201 pointed crease202 angled liner and 300 tapered brush. The last one is rose gold, and oh my gosh - I have such an obsession with it that me and Jemma(Dorkface) cannot stop talking about all the different rose gold things we want! These brushes are honestly gorgeous and so soft. I really wasn't sure about the price for the more expensive brushes but after feeling the tapered brush I think I am going to have to dig deep in my wallet and invest in the other brushes! What I really love is the size of the angled liner, I hadn't looked at it before but it is a lot smaller then a usual angled brush, I find them too large to do under my eye usually; so this is going to be the perfect size to help me acheive a smokey eye look this year! ( that's one of my beauty resolutions!) The silver brushes aren't as bank breaking as the other brushes so if you do want to invest I would suggest these all 3 that I have are amazing brushes! I think I may actually use the oval shadow to start highlighting my face a little more as it is quite a large eyeshadow brush and I do really need to get into highlighting.... this may also mean a cheeky purchase of the hourglass highlight palette.
Have you guys got any of these beautiful brushes? & Happy Valentines lovelies ( I'll be spending it with pizza and my cat - the cat lady dream!)
Ciao x
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  1. What a lovely thing for your friends to do! The brushes are gorgeous.. these are on my wish list x

    han // emandhan xo

  2. I cant get over how gorgeous these look! I have the contour brush on my wishlist!
    xprincessjas | ♥

    1. I really want the contour brush! I don't even contour it's just so beautiful and rose gold! haha x

  3. So happy for you, this is AWESOME!!! Love your photos so much!! ^_^ They look bloody beautiful! Im insanely jealous of course, hahaha!

    1. I know you had several wines when you wrote this but THANK YOU :) x

  4. Your friends are so nice! What an amazing gift. :)

    Miriam || happiness comes from

  5. Aww that's so nice. These brushes look amazing, I am a bit too jealous!

  6. These brushes look so lovely, I'm really tempted by them, just not quite there yet though, I'm being good. What lovely friends you have, your really luckily :)

    1. Maybe try the silver ones? They aren't as expensive so they are good to try! they are good brushes though I sometimes find realtechniques a little rough! Thank you dear! x

  7. What a nice surprise from your lovely friends! These new real techniques make up brushes look so good and I really need to pick some up and try them out!
    Nicola x
    The Beauty Monologue
