Personal: Fringe envy

For a few weeks I have been umming and ahhing about getting my fringe cut back in, do I go for my time old side fringe? do I retry the full fringe? I was thinking about getting a full fringe again with my current brown/ombre hair especially after seeing this stunning picture on foxes instagram. 

I love everything about this picture and have some serious hair envy. I was thinking about growing out the fringe when my hair is pink but Melon's recent fringe addition is making me think I should keep it and just remember to keep going back for a fringe trim! ( usually I don't have the time to frequently visit and get my fringe trimmed, it's a poor excuse but it's true!)

What do you guys reckon? Whose your hair inspiration and are you thinking of a change?

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  1. I looooooooooooooove fringes! I really do, and plus I hate my forehead haha.
    But anytime I get one it doesnt last long, because Im not high maintenance enough to keep up with it! - My way of saying Im lazy haha. It's soo much upkeep for me and I look like shit if even a little bit of a breeze comes by and it goes frizzy haha!
    Jemma xx

  2. I totally get the fringe envy! I wish i had the thickness to have a fringe like hers uhhhh me and my friend always lust over it haha.
    I recently decided to bring back my old beloved side fringe and am loving it. So i think goooo for it :)
    Love your blog btw
    Collette xxx

    1. Aww I'm sure you could manage it somehow! esp if you have a side fringe!! I think I may go for it, I had one in the summer but she did it a bit long so I ended up just brushing it into a side fringe! And thank you lovely! :) x
