Beauty: Benefit's - How to look the best at everything

I received this as a birthday present from one of my besties and I was so excited about it! I already have the porefessional and hello flawless foundation but since the NARS tinted  moisturiser entered my life they kinda took a side line. Now, it the complete opposite, I have turned to this everyday! Porefessional feels like CLOUDS. actual clouds on your face it is so soft and a small amount goes a long way, I use this mostly on my nose and t-section. The foundation is really soft and I don't feel it sitting on my skin or being all cakey. It doesn't make my skin feel oily either, I really rate this foundation! 
 I LOVE the concealer, it's so soft and smooth! I used to use benefits erase paste but I prefer this, I use both colours so I dot the lighter shade under the eye at each corner and use the darker shade in the middle and do a line along my cheek. This blends so well and I actually prefer this to my collection 2000 ( is that slightly controversial?) but I think it's probably because I prefer my concealer to be a bit thicker and more of a paste, if you get what I mean.
The powder is great, the make up stays on all day, I can't honestly say if its better than my Rimmel stay matte powder which is probably a lot cheaper. My only bug bear with the powder in this is that you can't take it out, you can take all the other products out and they are a great size but if you wanted to powder up later you would have to take the whole thing. 
You can actually take the whole thing out and use just the book as a little box, with it's tips and tricks this makes a great present. ( I think I can say because I was beyond chuffed with it!) 
What are your favourite benefit products? 
Ciao x
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  1. Ooh such a lovely gift! I loooove porefessional - it really is as soft as a cloud haha! :) xx

  2. this set looks really good for someone who hasn't tried benefit before! x
