whitening your teeth naturally

cocowhite natural teeth whitening mint flavour
Whitening my teeth is something I have wanted to do for such a long time as years of fizzy drinks has definitely taken its toll. I just wasn't sure how to go about it, I had seen heaps of home kits and heard about people to go and see but I just wasn't sold. 
I came across cocowhite on instagram and bought the packet the next day, natural whitening? Yes please! I was worried about the horror stories of making your teeth incredibly sensitive and all the chemicals that could potentially be making them worse off and eroding the natural enamel. Cocowhite uses a technique called oil pulling, you pretty much just swish it around your mouth for 5-15 minutes and it helps bring out all the bad plaque.
At £20 for a two week pack I thought it was pretty bargainous as I had seen other packs for around £60. It also has 3 flavours a vanilla, mint and also a lemony one, I got the mint as I thought it would be a little bit weird to use vanilla right before brushing my teeth and I'm not a lemony fan. 
As this is coconut oil this does solidify quite easily so you can either accept that or try to heat it up in your hands. I was worried about shoving this in and gagging a little as you can't swallow so I kinda just shove it to the side and slosh it around until it's all dissolved. I try to do this for 10-12 minutes and then brush my teeth and use a mouthwash after. It actually tastes really nice and it's super easy to use. I haven't regularily used it so maybe I would have had more of a difference in shade if I had but I have noticed my teeth have gone whiter and the colour is more even so I do think I will be picking this up again and trying to use it every couple of months to keep on top of my teeth whitening. 
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A Charlotte Tilbury nude you need in your life

charlotte tilbury matte revolution norma parkinson miss kensington
Safe to say my nude obsession is still going strong, after lusting after Bitch Perfect for so long another CT nude popped up and caught my attention.... CT's Miss Kensington. I Umm'd and Ahh'd about this because I looked at loads of different swatches to figure out how it may look on me. Easiest thing to do? try it on in store!! I'm sure you've guessed the rest of the story I bought it straight away and it was everlasting love there onwards.
This is a fantastic nude and I feel the colour does adapt to the colour of your lips. It's a subtle pinky nude and looks really natural on the lips which I have to be careful of having fatter than average lips. As per all CT products the quality is amazing and this is soft and moisturising. It has a good colour stay but I do find I have to reapply but this is probably another downfall of fat lips as it's more obvious when the colour starts to fade. At £23 I think it's worth spending that little bit more to get and as it's limited edition I would recommend snapping one up fast!
Ciao x 
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Book review: Queen of the tearling

I was looking for some new books for my holiday and heard that Emma Watson was loving this book ( so much so she is starring in the film version and even producing it!) so I thought this would be the one to take with me. Safe to say I know why she loved it so much. 
This is such a fantastic book, I didn't quite catch at first this was set in the future as she was referencing Harry Potter and the Hobbit and then I realised. Basically in the future Jonathan Tear has a vision of a life where we aren't ruled by technology and we start afresh- this gets expanded much more in the sequel so I'll leave it at that for now. 
Kelsea is a normal 19 year old, except she isn't, she's about to come out of hiding to inherit the throne and rule a country she doesn't really know anything about. Her Uncle is the current regent and will stop at nothing to make sure she doesn't make it to claim what is rightfully hers. Her Uncle is also working with the powerful and immortal Red Queen for Morteseme. Kelsea has to prove to her guard and the rest of the Tearling she isn't just some girl is who isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty and she stays true to her beliefs no matter the cost all whilst trying to stay alive.
I really don't want to give too much away about this book, I think I say this with all my book reviews! It's a brilliant dystopian novel and Kelsea is really relatable. You have a great insight into how her mind works and why she makes the decisions she does. She is trying to best not to be a queen like her mother was but to do the right thing for her people. She's also a 19 year old who has no experience of the life outside of her adoptive parents and hasn't really had any interactions with men or what life is really like. Guiding her is the mysterious Mace head of her queens guard but she comes across many other influencial characters such as the Fetch. 
I loved this so much I bought the sequel as soon as I got back from my holiday so look out for that review coming soon! Erika Johansen PLEASE finish the 3rd book and also do more books than the planned trilogy. 
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A potential skincare staple?

alpha-h pigment reducing vitamin C serum
At the #nwmeet we were given some amazing products to try. One of them was this vitamin C serum by Alpha-H with the aim of improving the look of dull,tired, sun damaged and prematurly aging skin.Alpha-H also use one of Charlotte Tilburys favourite ingredients in this - Hyaluronic acid. 
They state:
Grape Seed and Liquorice Extracts together with New Generation Technology are blended with Botanicals to cleanse the skin and gently remove dirt and oil from clogged pores. Locking in essential moistures and keeping the skin hydrated, the high performance formula helps to reduce pigmentation on the skin whilst improving skin tone and texture. Providing ongoing protection, Vitamin C Serum repairs damaged skin cells caused by the intense heat of the sun and acne breakouts whilst preventing future skin damage.

I've been using this daily and I do notice a difference when I haven't been using this mostly in the pigmentation. My skin is visibly less red when I use this! The smell of this isn't particularily nice but it does feel refreshing on the skin and soaks up nice and quickly which means I don't have to wait long to start applying make up.  

I do really love using this but with a price tag of £58.50 I'll have to find a cheaper alternative - I'm thinking the Pai rosehip oil but if anyone could recommend one that would be fantastic!

                                                                      Ciao x

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When you thought your favourite lush product couldn't get any better....

I don't think I am the only one here when I say that the comforter bath bomb is my all time favourite. It smells amazing, produces ridiculous amounts of bubbles for  me to enjoy. When I went to Lush in June I HAD TO get the shower gel version, how could I not?! 
And let me tell you. ITS AMAZING. It smells just as delicious as the bath bomb with subtle glittery bits in it. It's the perfect little pick me up after a long day.
My only downside is I do think it's a little pricey? maybe thats just me? I can't remember how much this bottle was I think £9-10? I really wanted to get more but it just would have been too expensive, they had a mega bottle for £30 which is insane. it was HUGE. I've used this so much I've nearly used half the bottle I love it that much so I will definitely be repurchasing no matter what the cost but may get it as a treat every now and again. This was a Oxford street purchase but I think I've heard the liverpool one is getting it - fingers crossed otherwise I may have to frequent London more than I planned to. 
have you tried this? 
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#nwmeet Sept 15

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to attend the #nwmeet up hosted by Sam and Katy.They did an incredible job and found us the coolest location ( even if we did think we were all off to our deaths on the way there!) it was a warehouse that has been converted with Saloons, a meditation room, sewing workshops and a really cool rooftop garden ( complete with the cutest little Frenchie call Martha!!)
Sam and Katy did an amazing job! It was really lovely seeing them again and a few of the other bloggers from the previous meet plus lots of lovely new people. This time the meet was raising money for the recovery bag project which is an amazing project that helps anyone with any kind of mental illness with perfect goody bags to help you through those moments, mental health is such an important thing and we are finding more and more people struggling so this is an amazing idea! - we helped raise over £100!
When we first arrived there was a surprise draw which we then found out certain numbers won a disney couture item - I didn't win and I'm not going to lie I was a little jealous, they were stunning but what an incredible surprise for the girls that did! 
We were fortunate to get two goodybags with heaps of products to try - including the Tarte lights camera lashes which we were all gobsmacked about! - keeps your eyes peeled over the next month for reviews from a lot of the items!
After we had all arrived, chatted, taken photos on the selfie wall and put our mark on the kissing wall ( where W7 had kindly donated some new lipsticks for us to try!) we were visited by Lush Lpool who gave us a little demonstration of some of the products we had been given and I found out that they use ground almonds or coffee in their exfoliators instead of plastic and also 15 minutes of the Yoga bomb equals 3 hours of yoga ( I will be testing that out soon!) 
It was a gorgeous day so we spent a lot of time outside chatting and enjoying the last of the summer. Later on we had another visit from Material Culture who brought some gorgeous jewellery for sale and gave us some great advice about working with brands. After that it was time for the raffle! There was so much on offer and I was lucky enough to win a Sass and Belle pillow from Cheekyboo - perfect for the new house! What was really lovely was that we all made sure everyone won a prize.
 During the day we had a challenge to guess how many midget jems were in the jar and the top 4 won a dress - I won!! I was 4th but I actually ended up with the dress I liked the most, sadly it was a little too big for me so I gave it to the lovely Hannah! Lastly we were given one last surprise with a gift from Rocket & Rye - an LED letter of our name - oh my god, I really wanted one of these and now I am over the moon with it! 
It was such a gorgeous day and it was lovely to see all the girls again and meet a lot of new people. I managed to meet some more Manc bloggers! I can't wait for the next one ladies! 
What a long post! I could chat even more but I will leave you with this picture from the selfie wall - this mirror and all Secret Warehouse decor needs to be in my life. 
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Book review: The Red Queen

I'm just going to say..casually... YOU NEED TO BUY THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW. 
like RIGHT NOW. like click here and buy it. NOW.
did you buy it? good choice! This is like a dystopian fantasy book where there are two kinds of people in the world red blooded people or silver blooded people. The red blooded live in poverty whilst the silvers are rich with superhuman powers. Mare Barrow is angry, angry with the world and the way it is. Why are her people the ones to suffer? She's the kind of girl that does what she needs to to survive regardless of what other people think.
One day Mare finds herself in a new situation and all of a sudden is thrown in with all these silvers disguised as a long lost silver princess and is engaged to one of the heirs. She uses this position as one of power and tries to help a red rebellion take down the silvers. 
I'm really trying not to give a lot away because this book has some seriously amazing storylines that I really didn't expect. I felt like Mare herself was a really great character and always stayed true to herself. She falls in love with one prince and ends up with another and I was really shipping her and Cal but then the more she interacted with Maven I was like oh god. Who should she end up with? Both of them had really great points and were written so well. All the while she was putting herself and her people first and doing whatever it takes to survive. Oh gosh, honestly this is so hard to write just how amazing this book is without giving it away. 
I closed the book and immediatly wanted MORE. There are two mini novellas coming out in January I beleive and the next book is due out next year. This is one of those books you just don't want to end!
I'm doing it. 10/10.
Bravo Victoria Aveyard - write me 20 more books please!
Have you read this?!
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Charlotte Tilbury light wonder foundation

I'm in love, like actually in love with this.... is it possible to be in love with a foundation? Like all things at the Charlotte Tilbury counter this really hasn't disappointed ( if you couldn't tell by my outburst) and has left me wanting MORE. 
Since my trusty NARS tinted moisturiser finished I was debating picking up another bottle or getting a CT foundation. Let's be honest, it wasn't much of a debate, that gorgeous rose gold packaging drew me in very easily.
 I knew she had a new foundation coming out so I popped instore to figure out which to get and after speaking with the sales assistant we figured this would be the best option for me. Just to give you the low down, generally I like my foundation very light. I don't like feeling it on my skin especially as I have combination skin and my forehead and chin can get incredibly oily. So the light wonder has a lighter more build-able coverage then the magic foundation which is a more medium to heavy coverage.
The NARS tinted moisturiser was lovely don't get me wrong, I would really repurchase it but I did find my chin and forehead still getting quite oily. BUT. oh god, I had been touching my chin all day the first time I wore this like some absolute weirdo because the CT light wonder really doesn't make it feel that oily at all! It feels, hmm, I'm not 100% sure how to describe I guess it felt silky-ish in my oily spots. The coverage is really good and apart from the fact I kept touching my face in one area it stayed most of the day and  I found it covered my redness really well though there was room to comfortably add a little more if I wanted to.
 The next day I didn't touch my face and it lasted all day and literally felt like I had nothing on and no oilyness! The girl at the counter also put on a lot more on me then I usually would when we tested it out and it still felt really light. At £32 I think that's a fair enough price at 40ml, which is slightly smaller then the 50ml NARS moisturiser but for all the extra goodness you can't complain and it definitely out shines NARS. ( sorry NARS)
The girl at the counter was so lovely and tested out several products on me like the cleansing balm and the magic cream along with the retoucher and powder. Saaaaaafe to say even more products have been added to my CT wishlist - someone want to get me the Norma Parkinson highlighter? ...any takers?...no?
Ciao x
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a healthy easy to make work snack idea

I've been looking at other ways to keep healthy while at work as I was getting a little bored of apples or carrots. Whilst I was in Aldi I came across these chia and oat crispbreads I thought they would be perfect! Chia is really good for you and something I have been trying to put in my diet more. I decided to whip up my own guacamole to put on top as avocado is something I am trying to eat more of too and it was super simple!! 
1) get a ready to ripe avocado, I didn't know these existed till the other week so make sure you get one because it makes your life A LOT easier. put the avocado in a bowl and cut it up into small pieces and then mash it up.( - if your avocado isn't properly ripe your going to really struggle to mash it as it comes out quite chunky and also doesn't taste as nice)
2) put in some garlic powder and some chili infused oil ( this will depend on how strong you want it) 
3) cut up some baby tomatos and chuck these in and you are DONE. 
Literally it's that easy, I usually make this in the morning before work and take half in this cute little jar and spread it over the crispbread. one avocado can spread over 4-5 crispbreads. YUM. I'm thinking about trying hummus next! 
what would you put ontop of the crispbread? give me some ideas! x
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