Beauty: Body Shop Peach Vineyard

I wasn't sure if I was going to ever get to blog about my favourite collection from the body shop but when I went in the other day there it was...

Last summer I got the peach vineyard shower gel and exfoliating scrub..actually I got two shower gels because I loved it so much and they were stopping stocking it. I didn't want to blog about something that wasn't really available but last week in the arndale store in manchester there was vineyard peach shower gels... Let's say I rejoiced and I will be going back to get more. To celebrate this I also finally dug out my Peach vineyards which I had been saving for a rainy day and realised this was stupid and I actually needed to use the for the purpose in which they were bought.  I smell peachy fresh now. I don't know about you but I always buy something and when I reallyy love it I try to not use itbecause I want to save it, I am trying to break this habit because I actually end up wasting products!

I love body shop shower goodies and this smells divine.
Which are your favourite smells? I recently smelt a new raspberry one I am going back for!

Ciao x

Don't forget to re-follow on her new blog lovin account!


  1. I love the peach range at the Body Shop soooo much! Every time I go into the Body Shop I always put some of the body butter on me just so I can smell it all day haha! I also love the Raspberry range they brought out this year!


    1. Ahahaaa Nicola this made me laugh so much! I'm going to go this week and get a heap of it to last all year! x
