Beauty -Review Lush Marilyn hair Mask

I've been looking to try a hair mask for a while and with the recent ombre this was the most ideal time. Everyone knows that when you chuck some bleach on your hair the quality is going to go. So to stop my hair from becoming ratty I looked to hairmasks and where better then LUSH?

I had a look at a few different masks but this one was tailored to bleached hair and keeping off those red tones, kinda like a 2 for 1 for me really. It's around £9.50, it has quite a runny consistency which I didn't expect. I didn't use loads just on the ends of my hair, so the pot will last 3-4 times for me, if you were bleaching your hair all over you would probably need a pot a time and I would probably leave it on for longer then the recommended 20 minutes. It doesnt't really lighten my hair, I've been using it for 2-3 weeks now but it does keep the red tones at bay and it does make my hair soft so its enough for me to keep repurchasing! Extra note - you may smell like you've dipped your hair in tequila ( that's the smell I get from it! )

If you just want to look after your ombre once a week this is ideal for you!

Ciao x

1 comment

  1. Im lightening my hair at the mo', so this might be ideal! I'll give it a try :) xx
