Kayla Itsines BBG - Pre training

Left is now and right is at the beginning of jan! 

I've been itching to write this post all month, although I was a little nervous about posting my actual progress picture....I was like NAH, be proud of what I've achieved - so there ya go! Back in end of November I bit the bullet and bought Kayla's Bikini body guide. I chose this particular plan because a lot of fitness plans you end up paying for a nutritional guide and I didn't want that - I don't want to be told what to eat! Plus I had bought loads of new healthy cookbooks and wanted to be able to use them but I knew I needed some kind of guidance for my fitness and I thought getting a plan I could stick to meant I wouldn't be aimlessly going to the gym and getting nowhere like I had been. 

I want to point out that during december I knew this was coming so...obviously I ate everything and anything - I wish I was joking! I started January really bloated with low energy, I felt uncomfortable in a lot of my clothes, even my leggings! Being a small person a lot of people don't think I have any weight to loose because in a way I am a lot naturally smaller than people, but I really do and maybe I'm okay at hiding it.

I've found the plan really easy to stick to, guaranteed I haven't really taken my LISS seriously this month but I will go into that in a sec. The plan essentially gets you to do 2-3 circuit/resistance sessions a week and then 2-3 LISS sessions. LISS is kinda the opposite to HIIT where you are fat burning with intervals, LISS is keeping your heart at a steady pace for 35-45 minutes this could be anything from a walk/jog outside to a swimming session, you can kind of do what you want for LISS and a lot of people choose to do something towards another goal like running though it is recommended you stick to something more like 35 minutes at the same pace on a treadmill or crosstrainer. For my LISS I decided to do yoga/ hot yoga and bouldering for the first month and then next month I'm going to step it up by starting running again - I'm sure you agree it's just too cold for that right now! But I have been walking to work for 20-25 minutes there and same back again so in a small way that's my LISS too. 

The circuits are really easy to follow and I find it quite easy to motivate myself through them - I do all of this at home in my bedroom. So lets say we have legs and cardio circuit - you will have two circuits to do and in each circuit you have 4 exercises to do. For example 15 squats, 24 lunges, 24 step ups and 50 skipping....something like that you just do as many as you can in the 7 minutes and when you do the circuit just repeat, so once you've done your 15 squats you go on to do your 24 lunges. You can take your time doing each circuit sometimes I need a quick breather and some water and then you jump straight back into it. Once your first 7 minutes is up you get a 30 second break and then you do 7 minutes of circuit 2, you then have a 90 second break and then you do 7 minutes of circuit 1, 30 second break and then 7 minutes of circuit 2 and you are DONE - make sure you stretch because you will be DYING the next day if you don't. I had to waddle for 3 days after my very first legs session, the struggle was real. When I struggle I think oh...only 7 more squats to go and thats done, then right another 24 lunges when it gets hard I stop and think of how many I have left and count that, next thing you've done two circuits then you only have one left, its only 7 minutes... that's kinda how I think and get myself through it! 

You will need some equipement if you are at home but you can get a little creative, the plan is really adaptable. So I already had dumbbells but instead of a medecine ball I used a Kettlebell I had and instead of a step up I've been using a trunk I have! I'm using the minimum weights required for the plan so when I've completed the BBG I will repeat it using double the weights. There is also a great community of girls doing the plan, I'm part of a fb group and they are all real supportive on instagram.  

Most importantly, how has this affected me? Well, I felt a change after 2 weeks and not just in my appearance. A lot of girls said they noticed a chance after 8 weeks - everyone is different. Sometimes the change is there and you don't notice. I'm not really weighing myself at any point because my weight isn't my goal and it can be very de motivational. I'm going on how my clothes feel and inches lost. I know for a fact I've lost an inch or two on my inner thigh - which I am buzzzinn about. I can also feel that my stomach has shrunk quite a bit and my back fat is melting! I also feel stronger, I really struggled with lunges at first having to pause a few times and now I can bang out 12 on each leg with weights. It's also making me really motivated throughout my life to work towards achieving all my goals.

I really can't wait to see where I am at the end of the plan! I've got a holiday to Thailand at the end of March which is really motivating me to keep working, I've really been trying to cut out as much sugar as I can and eating better so I am really feeling it!  -I'll update in another month on how I am getting on!

Are you guys on the plan? what did you think? How are your healthy goals going?

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Charlotte Tilbury mini lipstick charms

For my birthday my amazing team at work got me this lovely set of mini lipsticks! £29.99 may seem like quite a lot for 3 mini lipsticks but when you think that 1 of these costs around £23 and this is half the size it kinda works out, plus you get to try 3 different lipsticks. I hadn't tried any of these shades before except for swatching ' bitch perfect' and deciding I HAD to have it. You also get ' So Marilyn' and ' Penelope Pink' in the set, I was surprised by Penelope pink as I hadn't given it much thought, thinking it wasn't quite my shade but it's actually a gorgeous brown-y nude whereas bitch perfect is a little more pink. So Marilyn is a gorgeous deep red, very similar to MAC's Russian Red except it's a little more deeper and less matte. 

All of these have the great quality you would expect from Charlotte Tilbury, smooth,moisturising and creamy on the lips and these are perfect to pop in your bag for a night out! They have a good lasting on the lips as well. I honestly would purchase all of these in the larger form which really isn't helping with my bank balance and the need to save - if I had to choose one first it would still be 'Bitch perfect'. You can't get this anymore as I think it's a christmas edition but I hope this helps if you wanted an individual shade - though I don't think I need to say too much to swade anyone to purchase CT - I hope next year she does a few more varieties of colour choices.

which is your favourite shade? x

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2 quick and healthy meals

So not exactly a recipe post but more of a what I eat in a day - this weekend I've been obsessed with these two meals, they are both super cheap and really easy to make - plus they are really healthy so it's wins all around!! Bonus points are both are veggie! I've really been trying to eat healthy and cut sugar out and I know a lot of people are as well so hopefully this may inspire a little.

So for breakfasts I've been loving avocado and scrambled egg probably like most of your instagram feed ( who I give full props for presentation cause it's so hard to do!) - for me they are like the dream team! for extra healthy goodness you can add in chia seeds with either your avocado if its smashed and mushed up or your scrambled egg!! 

And for tea I've been loving this deliciously ella recipe - it takes like 15 minutes to prep and tastes delicious! I didn't use the miso paste and I used a tomato and chili puree so with the chili seeds it was a little spicy but not too bad so you can spice it up to your own tastes!  You could add in whatever you wanted to change this up a bit as well! 

What recipes are you guys loving recently?? 

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Avoiding the frizz.

I have the frizziest hair going, honestly I do. I also have hair that refuses to do what I want it to or look the tiniest bit sleek - think Hermione, first movie. I have been hunting and hunting for the perfect products to help combat the frizz and while my hunt for the perfect products still continues these 3 bad boys certainly push me in the right direction! 
I can't remember where I saw Ogx conditioners, it may have been a youtuber but wanting to swap out my conditioner I bought the argan oil conditioner and spray. I did really love the argan oil conditioner, it made my hair stay soft and silkier but it didn't do heaps for the frizz. So when I needed a new bottle I saw the kukui - made for frizz, can't really argue with that can I? and lemme just say: this stuff is THE ONE. My hair is A LOT less frizzier when I use this and when I team it with the argan oil spray and my straighteners - sleeknesssss. I really can't rate it enough and I don't think I will be swapping conditioners anytime soon. 
The argan oil spray is perfect because I hate touching oils. When using my Lee Stafford argan oil - getting it all over my hands was not my favourite thing to do. I can just spritz this on give it a moment and then straighten my hair knowing it has something looking after it - everrryybody knows argan oil is good for your hair. 

I do want to invest in more hair styling products and I know there are a few more out there to help me combat my hair so it's more manageable but these 3 are definitely keepers.

What are your favourite hair products? x
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Sara Raasch - Snow like ashes

I love a good fantasy book and this certainly did NOT disappoint! I had been eyeing this up for a while before luckily receiving it as a christmas present. Snow like ashes is the first in a trilogy of books by Sarah Raasch. If you liked anything like the tearling books by Erika Johansen you will love this! 

The book is set in the land of Primoria with 4 season kingdoms and 4 Rhythm kingdoms each with it's own magical conduit for each of the rulers to help grow their kingdoms. The story is about a girl named Meira who is one of 8 people left from the 25 that escaped Winter when it was destroyed by spring. Meira is 100% devoted to the cause of saving Winter and they aim to do this by getting both parts of the conduit that was broken when Winter was overtaken. Meira quickly learns that she doesn't really get much choice when it comes to destiny and has to shape the way she is to try and stay as true to herself as she can in each new situation no matter how much she doesn't agree with it.

The book was really well written and Meira was such a great character though sometimes when she was discovering her thoughts and herself I kinda felt like a few things were repeating themselves or just a little unnecessary- it's hard to explain until you read it really - no spoilers happening here! Though it didn't really affect my love for the book at all. There were a few twists and turns, one which I had an inkling about - which came true but the book was so addicting I finished it within 3 days. I think I'm going to get Ice like fire to read this weekend - I was going to wait for my holiday but I can't wait till March to find out what's going on! 

have you read this?? what did you think? 


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Easy on the go breakfast

You need: a baking tray, butter/ spray oil, 6-7 eggs ( depending on your baking tray i would say 1 egg for 2 cups..holes.. whatever they are called!), milk and whatever ingredients you choose! 
Lately since it's too cold for me to drive and as the winds are a bit mental I've had to find solutions to quick and easy breakfasts ( and when I say quick I do mean like 5 minutes!). I love making these egg muffins as you can do them the night before and  they can last a few days and you can literally chuck in whatever you like! 
When I made these I only had tomato and courgettes in so thats what went in, I have previously put in things like spinach, mushrooms, avocado, broccoli.... literally whatever you like! you could even mix in some chia and flaxseed for that extra health kick. 
How to make them:1. Literally whisk the eggs and milk together like you would for scrambled egg and pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees. 2. butter or spray your baking tray, 3. chop up your veg and chuck em in ( you can even mix and match - the more veg in the less egg that is needed as well!)  4. pour in your egg  mix 5. chuck in the oven and leave for 10-12 minutes - ta-daaaaa done. then just plate em up, cover them and leave them in the fridge. Then pop them in a container for on the go! - Perfect!
let me know your favourite egg combinations!! 
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DIY:Budget friendly Herb Garden

You need - a crate. paints, brushes, sponge, crafting knife, cutting board, tracing paper.
Waaaay back I promised my sister I would do her a herb garden for her new house and I knew I wanted to do some sort of wooden rustic box. Initially I was going to get one from H&M home but the one I wanted kept selling out and I had seen another wooden storage in Ikea I had decided to get so I could personalise it. When I was there I came across this little crate and I knew it would be perfect!! 
First off I painted the box red with just a bog standard acrylic paint, I had tried to sand the wood down but I don't really feel like it added anything when applying the paints. Then I stencil'd their name and fresh herbs onto some tracing paper and cut this out. Don't worry if your cut out doesn't look perfect you can always paint over any imperfections. Then I dabbed on some white paint, dabbing with a sponge worked A LOT better than doing it with a brush- et Voila! It's done! 
I got a block of soil from Ikea for £2 and you don't even need half of it to fill this up! I also got a pack of 8 herbs from B&Q for around a fiver so for £12 in total it's a great and personal gift to do for someone that doesn't break the bank.
Depending on what colour you want the crate, what you want to write and how brave you are at free handing - you can knock down the amount of tools needed. I did think after that maybe I should have lined it with some sort of plastic to make it deeper but for standard kitchen herbs it should be deep enough. So that's another option that you could do! You can also buy already grown herbs and just re-pot them!
if you try this let me know!! 
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Getting Lean in 15

Chances are you've probably heard of Joe Wicks and Lean in 15 by now, he has blown up massively this year. I've been a long time follower of Joe's instagram because he posts simple easy to make recipes that don't require complicated ingredients or insane amounts of time to make which is perfect for those days you really cannot be bothered cooking or if you don't have much time in general! It also means you don't have to troll online or go to special food shops to source ingredients. So naturally when his book came out I had to snap it up!
The book explains the basic concept behind ' Lean in 15' and how Joe's plan works. It's then divided into 3 sections, meals you can eat normally, meals you eat after a work out ( these tend to be more carb loaded) and snacks. At the end of the book he's put in some HIIT work outs( he also has some on his youtube page)  and some examples of the 90days transformations as inspiration.
Some of the recipes look delicious like the meatballs and pasta, Italian stallion sausages and also the tomatoes, eggs and chorizo. I will admit there isn't much for vegetarians which is the only downside so if you got this you would need to adapt the recipes. The book is nice and simple and has some great photography which is always a plus point for me! If you are thinking about getting a new recipe book to get you on that healthy track I really recommend this! The recipes are simple and don't require complicated ingredients you may need to go to a specialist store for or spending like £5 on a paste for one meal you may never use again. I managed to pick this up for £7.50 from waterstones which is an insane bargain!
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Lush - Rose Jam bubbleroon review

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who go amazing amounts of lush products this christmas! I've never used one of the Bubbleroons before so I wasn't sure what to expect but I had been wanted to test out the rose jam smell after hearing such good things from Alix on her channel. 

The bubbleroon is so cute and pretty massive actually, could you imagine a macaroon that size? Dreamy, It broke in half pretty easy and produced a good amount of bubbles!! ( harry had come in the bathroom and was amazed by them! kept popping his head over the bath for a sniff - thats the cat FYI)  though I'm pretty sure you would get the same amount from any of the bars so I'm not sure if bubbleroons are supposed to produce more? I don't know it was an acceptable amount anyway! I'm not sure how I feel about the rose smell; I don't quite think its for me though the cat clearly loved it and the house did smell nice and fresh for the rest of the day!!

Would I repurchase? Probably not, though I may try a different bubbleroon because it was easier to break apart and use than a bubblebar!! 


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Nyx soft matte lip creams - Abu Dhabi & Copenhagen

I'm obsessed with matte lip creams, after getting my red one from Sephora I just chose to wear it whenever I reached for a red & also they are perfect for festivals or hot country's so you don't have to worry about them melting. As we don't have a Sephora here I needed to find an alternative. I think I first saw these when I was having a cheeky browse on Instagram and found there was one called Abu Dhabi. If you didn't know that's where I grew up and I knew I just had to buy it because that's what it was called! I know you shouldn't do that but OH WELL. I DID. and it turns out it was the best decision ever. 
I didn't think it was going to suit me after looking online at swatches but it is the PERFECT shade for me. It literally matches my lips exactly ( insert the my lips but better she-bang here) and I also selected Copenhagen as it was a stunning berry shade and we all love a good berry shade for winter! 
These lip creams are so soft and buttery, they feel nice and hydrating on the lips and take hardly any time to dry out and settle on your lips. The colour spreads really well and evenly. I was a bit worried about copenhagen as berry shades can come out really patchy on my lips, at first I thought it did look quite patchy but once it dried and settled it really evened out and looked great! 
these are priced at £5.50 which is an absolute BARGAIN, I think I will have to stock up on Abu Dhabi and I am debating trying Stockholm or Cannes as well!!
Have you guys tried any of these? Which shades do you recommend? 
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New year resolutions 2016!

The planners are from here
It's that time of yeaaaaaaar! Resolutions! - A lot of people hate the whole ' new year new me' thing but personally I love the idea of getting a clean slate and a fresh start!
I always love to set myself goals for the future and I think last year I did preeettty good ( not to like toot my own horn there). I think I did a lot of growing and changing last year that has really put me in a good place to just keep going forward. It was a challenging and tough year but I had some amazing moments and experiences at the same time. So.... - Some goals!!
1) Finish off the interiors of my room and house - I'm mega interiors obsessed and I really want my room to get finished and looking how I've always wanted. Somethings I want are a make up desk + chair, some new bedding, LOTS of morrocan lamps and lights, a gallery wall and some more nice shoe storage. Over the house I want new pillows rugs + decorations. I also have A LOT of old things that just need to get sold. There is just so much to do still! 
2) Get back to regularily doing hot yoga and salsa, these are two things I really love and really miss due to fundings. I would love to do these even if its twice a month. Salsa is such a fun way to meet people and yoga is something I've always loved and I want to start investing more time in, I'm even thinking about practicing enough to learn to teach one day. ( that's a long term goal right there!) 
3) Get toned, I know I put this last year too but I was very up and down with my health last year and only really picked it up at the end of the year. I really want to get back to bouldering and doing some weights in the gym. I always want to get better at cooking and try lots of new recipes and invent some of my own!
4) Sort my money, I pretty much erased most of my debt in June but some did creep back, espcially with christmas. So I really want to spend the next couple of months sorting that and also getting some savings built up so I can afford to go home or not have to constantly worry about money when I want a treat. 
5) Start some art collections & large scale paintings. I've been starting some sketchbooks of idea's for works and I have been practising painting styles. I've still got a way to go but I'm proud of the fact I have started to sell work already and I'm hoping by the end of the year I can get a drawing and painting style down and get larger prints and originals sold. I also really want to start attending craft markets to sell work and I'm going to start creating little arabian inspired jars to sell. 
6) build my blogs more, I think I made some great headway with this blog, sure I had some dry patches, the youtube channel didn't really kick off and neither did my style blog, but in a way I'm glad because now I know my vision better than ever and I can put more time and effort into creating things I'm really proud of. I really want to work on being more social and building a following this year and improving my photography. There's A LOT of exciting things planned ahead! 
7) Quit my job, this just wasn't realistic last year and I know not to get rid of a good thing. Hopefully with some hard work I can get to a place where my art funds me enough! I'm just not sure how much more time I can spend on the phones. Ideally I want to start my brand but baby steps and I am just accepting I need to be in a whole different place before that can happen! 
8) Learn Arabic, I started learning Italian last year but a part of me has always wanted to learn arabic and I think it will make me feel a little more closer to home. I've seen a few classes so I think I am going to try to get some pennies together to learn. 
9) Get a car, I've had my heart set on a car since last January - Mint green fiat 500 cult, but I just didn't NEED a car. I've got my bike ( which I still prefer driving) and it gets me from A to B. A car is just 20 times more expensive and I would love to be in a place where I could afford to have one so I can go to Ikea when I want or visit my parents in Chester now they are back, or even visit my blogger friends! I also think I need a car for my little businesses I'm starting next year so thats now on the resolution list! 
I could write endless lists of goals but I think those are the main ones. I really want to keep growing, being more open and discovering who I am as a person and showing that in my manners, personality and also my style.
what are your goals and resolutions for the year? 
P.S please bare with me on blog photo's I don't have photoshop right now so my photo editing isn't as great! 
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