Beauty: The daily lip.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
MAC: Plumful - The most amazing mauve with a twist. My lip but slightly purplier and not in a bad way. This is the lipstick I go for daily to give my face a lil' something something.
Ciao x
P.s I know the I is upside down. Let's just roll with it.....
P.S.S, SUPER BIG thanks to Jemma at Dorkface for sorting my side buttons out! Doesn't it all look much tidier now? ( The side buttons are from ! )
The Daily Face
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
make up,
naked flushed,
The £30ish Boots Haul
Monday, 26 May 2014
Have any of you guys tried to spend under £30 and buy things you actually need? Maybe I am rubbish at this. I'm espcially rubbish for picking 3 things that weren't in the 3 for 2! It was HARD. I am quite liking the £30 challenge even if I did go over. I think Lush may be my next stop as I have my eye on a few bits there.
Let me know your favourite Essie Nail polishes or if you've tried this challenge what did you get?!
Ciao x
Have any of you guys tried to spend under £30 and buy things you actually need? Maybe I am rubbish at this. I'm espcially rubbish for picking 3 things that weren't in the 3 for 2! It was HARD. I am quite liking the £30 challenge even if I did go over. I think Lush may be my next stop as I have my eye on a few bits there.
Let me know your favourite Essie Nail polishes or if you've tried this challenge what did you get?!
Ciao x
style: The almost Co-ord.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
I saw this on Emily Cocklin and fell in love with this Lauren pope for inthestyle playsuit. For me this is going to go perfect with a leather jacket, red lip and some black ankle boots. I won't lie I really thought this was a Co-ord dogtooth set when I ordered it. There is a sneaky layer of mesh underneath the top that connects the two.... Which I am actually a little glad about!
I got this with the aim of it being an outfit option for the Arctic monkeys gig this weekend. I will take a full outfit picture of what I do wear and post next week! I was just really excited about this and felt like posting!
How would you style this?
Ciao Bellas x
Beauty: MAC Maleficent - True Loves Kiss.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Being a massive fan of both Disney and MAC I was a little surprised that I didn't care too much for their latest collab - the Maleficent range. I had my eye on some of the aquatics lipsticks ( which I felt were too similar to ones I owned to justify getting) and then the upcoming Lorde collection between all of this the Maleficent one didn't really stand out.
I had 10 minutes to spare yesterday and thought I would have a casual lust in MAC and saw the lipstick.
True Loves Kiss.
They were right about the true love. I snapped it up straight away. I'm a sucker for a red lip. This one is gorgeous, it's like a sparkly Russian red. I feel like its going to be perfect for christmas time....( Hey! we are only 218 days away...) It's an amplified lipstick which I haven't owned before and feels quite balm-y and not too drying though I need to try this out.
Have you tried any of the new Maleficent products?
Ciao x
make up,
true loves kiss
Vlog: the late april Haul
Monday, 19 May 2014
better late then never!
Here is Aprils vlog!
I just didn't have the time/ issues with premier pro to edit this.
I also realised I forgot my entire ASOS haul :( Oops.
I got some belts and that nars eyeshadow and some funky strawberry socks!
Ciao x
better late then never!
Here is Aprils vlog!
I just didn't have the time/ issues with premier pro to edit this.
I also realised I forgot my entire ASOS haul :( Oops.
I got some belts and that nars eyeshadow and some funky strawberry socks!
Ciao x
Beauty: Essie SS14 - Hide and Go Chic
Thursday, 15 May 2014
When I was looking at the new Essie colours, not many stood out for me personally. One shade was pretty much exactly the same as Essie watermelon. But this shade ' Hide and go Chic' looked amazing. The colour goes on and lasts for several days, same as any other Essie nail polish really. For me I feel the shade is one that suits the sping/ summer but has that muted tone that we all love in winter. All rounder really.
What are your favourite Essie colours?
Ciao x
Beauty: Nars Soft touch Shadow pencil
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
HE HE HO HO. Extreme close up.
I recently got this with an ASOS order in the shade Heat, something about the colour I just loved! A sort of teal colour? I used to have a Avon eye pencil I loved and couldnt wait to try this one. I love to use it with my usual eyeliner on top!
I have to say though, this is a little TOO soft, it says its supposed to be long-lasting...err. I didn't put a primer underneath so that might help but within minutes it had made a weird crease line and an hour later when I had gotten to work it had turned into a grey/green-y eyeshadow-thing . I was a little gutted but then everyone said my eyes looked really nice today so maybe it works somehow!
The pencils retail at £18 ( thankfully I didn't pay that!) which to be honest I think is far too much, so I think I will only pick up some more of these when I can get them with some kind of discount. Otherwise I really recommend the Avon alternatives!
Have you tried any of these pencils?
Ciao x
Beauty: Rose Golden Zoeva Brush set review
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Since these were released I was like. I NEED. Not only are they rose gold ( I seem to have some strange obsessed with) but the overall set was made of brushes I genuinely wanted ( I also really wanted to enlarge my brush collection.)
When I finally got the money to afford them, they had made the vlogging/blogging rounds and that was it. SOLD OUT. I was gutted. Not going to lie, these were due back in in april and I refreshed that page everyday on holiday to make sure I didn't miss out.
And I wasn't disappointed.
You get 8 beautifully soft brushes and two bags - one a leather clutch and another is just a standard drawstring bag. ( I haven't found a purpose for this one yet/)
The brushes are:
106 Powder: Apply loose and pressed powder
102 Silk Finish: Apply and blend foundation
110 Face Shape: Contour the face shape with cream and powder products
127 Luxe Sheer Cheek: Apply powder blush
142 Concealer Buffer: Apply and blend concealer
227 Soft Definer: Softly blend and smooth eyeshadow
231 Petit Crease: Accentuating and blending in the crease
317 Wing Liner: Detailed eyeliner strokes and a perfect wing
I have tried out most of these brushes, not only are they the softest brushes ever but they are GOOD. I tested out the 102 brush against the Realtechniques expert face brush with both foundations I have, I found it fared better with the more liquidy foundation rather then the Lord and Berry which doesn't really run, however it did spread well but not as well as the realtechniques but pretty close. The powder one works just as well if not better then my MAC brush, I will only use the MAC one now when taking make up around as it's smaller. and the concealer and cheek brushes are also extremely good, I haven't used a concealer brush before and I am quite enjoying it, though sometimes I think my fingers do work better.
In terms of the eye brushes I haven't used the wing liner as I have two already. However the crease brush I decided to try out and boy did this pick up colour. I wasn't expecting the brush to take on as much eyeshadow as it did! so much I had to blend it out quite a bit with the soft definer which works well as either a blending brush or a lidsweeper.
This set is 58 euros which I think with P & P came to around £55 quid, so thats like... £8ish a brush? plus a leather clutch, BARGAIN. This set is perfect for those who are getting into make up or expanding on their small brush collections ( like myself.)
I've already picked out 5 other Zoeva brushes I will be getting my hands on! Which do you recommend?
Ciao x
make up,
make up brushes,
Personal: Sunday 11th May
Sunday, 11 May 2014
I know.
I've been pretty poor at blogging this past week and ever poorer at getting a vlog out.
I have actually got a Vlog filmed, it just needs to be edited. I've just been crazy busy lately.
Amid several relationship dramas ( not mine, but I'm there as a friend of course), back to salsa, seeing Mcbusted ( BEST. NIGHT. EVER) and a sewing course - I haven't had as much time. I've also been trying to get back into running outdoors again.... I have been getting better at planning and organising not only my blogging life but everyday life so that weekly plan I promised - I WILL get back on track.
After my last book post, I realised being a complete bookworm, book reviews was something I really wanted to do every now and again when I find a book I just have to blog about.
Another thing I really want to focus on, is getting healthy and loosing weight. I know everyone has those new year resolutions. THIS YEAR I will shrink for summer and usually ( apart from the beginning of last year) I have pretty much never achieved this. I did really well last year going from my heaviest 10 st 2 at new year ( one too many roasts...) to 8 st 7 - I'm not sure if this was my smallest, I think it was because I fit in clothes I can only just get on now. I don't really weigh myself so I don't go off weight but how clothes fit me. at 5ft weight this much is quite embarrassing for me but I feel confident enough in myself now to say that.
Over the past month or so, I have started to get better at my healthy commitment and I have found myself loosing some weight. I also FEEL better in myself so I thought I might start blogging on my tips, tricks and what I do to shed the weight.
What has also prompted this is I have just bought the - I quit sugar book by Sarah Wilson. Now I am looking at this in the same way I am looking at being healthy I know for myself its not realistic to be healthy ALL the time, same way I know I will not realisticly cut sugar out( bar the recommended amount) completely. My aim with this is to change my choices, I already prefer not going to burger joints and picking up something lighter or looking at my options and thinking which is the healthiest ( I think I will do a post after a few months with my tips for eating out) so I wanted to change what I cook at home and learn to cut sugar out as much as I can. She listed a lot of symptoms of what too much sugar can do and I felt most if not all applied to me.
So expect some healthy posts aswell! I promise I will do some beauty posts this week aswell.
No more slacking!
Ciao bellas x
I've been pretty poor at blogging this past week and ever poorer at getting a vlog out.
I have actually got a Vlog filmed, it just needs to be edited. I've just been crazy busy lately.
Amid several relationship dramas ( not mine, but I'm there as a friend of course), back to salsa, seeing Mcbusted ( BEST. NIGHT. EVER) and a sewing course - I haven't had as much time. I've also been trying to get back into running outdoors again.... I have been getting better at planning and organising not only my blogging life but everyday life so that weekly plan I promised - I WILL get back on track.
After my last book post, I realised being a complete bookworm, book reviews was something I really wanted to do every now and again when I find a book I just have to blog about.
Another thing I really want to focus on, is getting healthy and loosing weight. I know everyone has those new year resolutions. THIS YEAR I will shrink for summer and usually ( apart from the beginning of last year) I have pretty much never achieved this. I did really well last year going from my heaviest 10 st 2 at new year ( one too many roasts...) to 8 st 7 - I'm not sure if this was my smallest, I think it was because I fit in clothes I can only just get on now. I don't really weigh myself so I don't go off weight but how clothes fit me. at 5ft weight this much is quite embarrassing for me but I feel confident enough in myself now to say that.
Over the past month or so, I have started to get better at my healthy commitment and I have found myself loosing some weight. I also FEEL better in myself so I thought I might start blogging on my tips, tricks and what I do to shed the weight.
What has also prompted this is I have just bought the - I quit sugar book by Sarah Wilson. Now I am looking at this in the same way I am looking at being healthy I know for myself its not realistic to be healthy ALL the time, same way I know I will not realisticly cut sugar out( bar the recommended amount) completely. My aim with this is to change my choices, I already prefer not going to burger joints and picking up something lighter or looking at my options and thinking which is the healthiest ( I think I will do a post after a few months with my tips for eating out) so I wanted to change what I cook at home and learn to cut sugar out as much as I can. She listed a lot of symptoms of what too much sugar can do and I felt most if not all applied to me.
So expect some healthy posts aswell! I promise I will do some beauty posts this week aswell.
No more slacking!
Ciao bellas x
I quit sugar,
loosing weight,
Book: The Rosie Project.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
It wasn't really my intention to write about books on my blog, I am a massive bookworm so maybe it makes sense I drop a book review or two...
I finished this book the other day and all I wanted to do is share with the world just how much I loved it! without giving too much Don Tillman has no luck with women. One day he decides he is going to find himself a wife and develops the wife project: a questionnaire. Don has a very particular way of thinking, it possibly verges on autistic, he is aware he thinks differently but he never admits he is autistic. It is so interesting the way he thinks and you can't help but feel for him in all the situations he gets himself into.
Obviously comes Rosie into his life, everything the questionnaire says he doesn't want. Maybe it's a little stereotypical knowing what will happen but it still has a few shocks and surprises throughout the book.
I'm really trying not to give anything away but I really do recommend you get this book! It's an addictive read!
Have you read this already? what did you think? any books to recommend?
Ciao x
P.s picture isn't mine as I have misplaced my camera and will be updated saturday with my own pic. Oops.
Style SS14 trend: Co-ords
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
I think its official. I'm in love with Co-ords and I think the fashion world is too...ASOS, Missguided, motel...topshop everyone!
Everyone is loving matching your top and bottoms wether its crop tops and shorts, maxi skirts... the options are endless. For me its about patterns and tailoring. I've ordered myself a Tartan pair from Laura ralph designs perfect for festivals!! I think the best way to style them is to keep everything else to a minimum and let the clothes do the talking!
Here's some of my favs:
Everyone is loving matching your top and bottoms wether its crop tops and shorts, maxi skirts... the options are endless. For me its about patterns and tailoring. I've ordered myself a Tartan pair from Laura ralph designs perfect for festivals!! I think the best way to style them is to keep everything else to a minimum and let the clothes do the talking!
Here's some of my favs:
Ciao x
Style. Met Ball 2014 top 5.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Everyone is talking about it I know, I just had to get my two cents in about my favourite looks of the night.
I had 5 favourite looks and 1 extra mention.
My extra mention is Claire Danes who looks beaut but just short of my top 5.
who is rocking a dress with Velvet in it and I actually don't shudder at the sight of it! ( I reaaally don't like velvet on clothes....or anything really.)
5.Lui Wen : Not gonna lie I have no idea who she is but there is something so stunning about this gown! The colour, the way it fits and falls, a lot of people tried for dresses that were fitted and then ' poofed' out and failed. Extra points for the bust shape. Leighton Meester was VERY VERY nearly here. Tough call.
4. Jessica Pare. No idea who she is either ( Oh dear...) but when I first saw this I couldn't stop staring at it, I was like do I like this? do i? and then I was like, I really do. I a pattern freak and this has such a nice fit.
3. Rihanna. I did not for one moment think she would be one of my favourite looks. ( No offence Riri but we have completely different styles.) but I just loooove this look, it is so classic.
2. Amber heard. This juuusst beat Rihanna, only because I think I would suit it more on myself, and I really like the vintage feel this dress has.
1. Emma Stone. Babe. End of. I have seriously fashion envy when it comes to this lady and she did not disappoint just everything is perfect and I don't even like pink all that much!
What were your top looks?
Ciao Bellas x
I had 5 favourite looks and 1 extra mention.
My extra mention is Claire Danes who looks beaut but just short of my top 5.
who is rocking a dress with Velvet in it and I actually don't shudder at the sight of it! ( I reaaally don't like velvet on clothes....or anything really.)
5.Lui Wen : Not gonna lie I have no idea who she is but there is something so stunning about this gown! The colour, the way it fits and falls, a lot of people tried for dresses that were fitted and then ' poofed' out and failed. Extra points for the bust shape. Leighton Meester was VERY VERY nearly here. Tough call.
4. Jessica Pare. No idea who she is either ( Oh dear...) but when I first saw this I couldn't stop staring at it, I was like do I like this? do i? and then I was like, I really do. I a pattern freak and this has such a nice fit.
3. Rihanna. I did not for one moment think she would be one of my favourite looks. ( No offence Riri but we have completely different styles.) but I just loooove this look, it is so classic.
2. Amber heard. This juuusst beat Rihanna, only because I think I would suit it more on myself, and I really like the vintage feel this dress has.
1. Emma Stone. Babe. End of. I have seriously fashion envy when it comes to this lady and she did not disappoint just everything is perfect and I don't even like pink all that much!
What were your top looks?
Ciao Bellas x
amber heard,
claire danes,
emma stone,
jessica pare,
lui wen,
met ball 2014,
Personal. Friday Fun
Friday, 2 May 2014

I got nominated by my wonderful friend Jemma at
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must state 11 facts about yourself.
3. You must answer the 11 questions given to you, from your nominator.
4. You must nominate other bloggers, and set 11 questions for them to answer.
5. You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
6. You must tell the people you've nominated them, so they can take part!
11 Facts
1. I am exactly 5 foot.
2. I love moustaches.
3. I ride a motorbike.
4. I have a cat named Bruce I like to talk about as if he was my child, it's a little weird.
5. I always start projects and never finish them.
6. I want to start a clothing line, but I am rubbish at sewing.
7. I love writing lists.
8. I love planning out my money and budgeting even though I never follow it and spend more then I should.
9. I love to read books.
10. I am very good at procrastinating. ( like right now)
11. I really want a dominos right now. ( Mighty meaty if you must know)
My questions:
1. What got you into blogging? I became quite obsessed with style and beauty youtube videos and i felt a bit camera shy to do that all the time I also wanted a way to put some kind of dent in the fashion world for when I release my clothing line.
2. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully running my clothing line!! In some kind of cool town house with brick walls.....
3. Name some of your favourite blogs?
4. How does a typical day in your life go? Get up, dependant on my shift probably gym then work or work then gym, then whatever I have planned! Then sleep. I don't lead an exciting life!
5. Name your favourite film? Across the Universe or 101 dalmatians.... I don't really have 1 favourite..
6. What inspires you? Everything. I know thats a cliche answer but seeing all different types of people their styles and what makes them tick I find interesting.... Or my instagram feed.
7. Style/Beauty icon? Alexa Chung ( No Brainer!)
8. Best advise you were ever given? I don't think I have been given any....
9. Fave item of clothing? My Faux fut coat. I feel a billion bucks in that baby
10. Fave beauty product? Eyeliner.
11. Describe yourself in 3 words? Quirky. humourous. Small.
I'm supposed to nominate people, but I've been a bit antisocial here and I have no one to nominate. Oops.
Nominate yourself and let me know if you have done this so I can read your answers! Same questions as mine! :)
Ciao x
Beauty: MAC - Beautiful Iris
Thursday, 1 May 2014
I have been hunting for a blue tinted lilac shade ever since I saw a similar one in the Narcissist palette ( a palette that is becoming increasing annoying trying to get into my local selfridges... ) MAC don't have a matte shade like that but I noticed this one today and thought it was a beaut. It has a slight shimmer to it, just the right amount and hey if payday isn't a day to treat yourself, I don't know what is!
Ciao x
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