Beauty: January 2015 favourites

This month has been a mix of old and new favourites!! 
Foundation & concealer wise I have been loving: Benefits - How to look the best at everything ( Review coming soon!). For months I put away my benefit products and stuck to my trusted NARS tinted moisturiser.... after receiving this as a gift I haven't stopped using it! But I'll save the rest for the review! ( gotta keep you all coming back! haha)
 Next up, my love for Zoeva continues, I don't think any brushes will top these! I can't wait to get my mitts on the new rose gold eye collection! Such great value especially if you are looking to expand your Brush collection and well. ROSE GOLD. I'm just obsessed with it. I can't be the only one!?
Blush & Bronzer wise I've gone back to this NARSicisst palette. Funnily enough I was thinking about selling this because I hadn't really used it much and the bronzer wasn't as pigmented as my Rimmel one. I thought, okay this cost me quite a bit last chance. And that was all it needed. I love the blush and bronzer combo and even love how subtle the bronzer is by itself! Absolutely a Keeper! ( though I'm faaar to white for the highlight)
L'oreal Superliner is the only thing I can apply eyeliner with, I've tried barry M, pencils, I've even got an eyeliner gel pot but nothing compares to the ease and pigmentation of this baby! 
Over christmas I got super lax with my cleansing routine and this past month I've really gotten back into my ' quick cleanse' using Good Things Deep Pore.You can read a more detailed review here.
Lastly, my latest lipstick, I can't describe just how much I love this, I think it really is my favourite lipstick ever.( I really mean EVER) sooo soft. sooo creamy. sooo beautiful. Best voucher & money combo ever spent! I did a full review of this here.
What have been your favourites this month?
Ciao x
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Beauty: Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipstick in Amazing Grace

The worst thing about this lipstick? trying to pick it!!! I had an idea in my head of which shades I would go for to try and make it easier and this wasn't on the list. I had googled, read blogs, viewed countless swatches and studied all the shades. In my head at the top of the list was Bitch Perfect (- sadly this was out of stock) ; I knew I wanted a pink/nudey shade. Though Love Liberty and Glastonberry were very nearly going to override that want. We swatched various shades and as soon as the girl swatched this I was like - oh my gosh! We swatched a few more but I couldn't stop looking at how pink this was and decided this was the one
I won't lie, I had a minor panic attack on the bus home, what if it was TOO PINK? I have quite big lips and some shades can make my lips look awful or they look fake. But when I took this out the packaging I knew I had made the right decision. Tried it on and it was a match made in heaven. I can't stop wearing this!
Like my other CT lippie this just glides on, it's so creamy and is just as moisturising even though it's matte. It's got great lasting power as well and as per all her products it looks great.
Can someone just donate me a heck of a lot of money so I can buy them all!??!
Which shade are you lusting after?
Ciao x
P.s I promise I'm going to get this taking pics of my lips thing down! 
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Liebster Award

Thank you  Kourtney - A Growing Petal for nominating me for the Liebster Award, It's such a lovely way to get to know us all!

The rules are:

- Thank and link the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions given by the nominator
- Nominate 11 other bloggers (Who have less then 200 followers) and link them.
- Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
- Notify all nominees via social media/blogs!
My questions are:

1. Tea or coffee?
Green Tea. I don't drink either tea or coffee which makes it super awkward when I go to peoples houses and they don't really know what to do with me!
2. What is your favourite accessories?
3. What is your number one perfume?
I think Chanel Coco Madamoiselle
4. Who are your favourite youtubers/bloggers?
I love Lily Melrose, hello-october, Icovetthee & beautycrush - as big bloggers
I love Gemma at Dorkface! and porcelainbeautyx
5. What are the five songs that make you happy?
I got my mind set on you - George Harrison
Thirft shop - Macklemore ( hahaa, reminds me of good times)
Umm.. oh god it's so hard tryin to pick!
umm. I'm trying to think of some current favourites
I'll go with Foxes - glorious
oh my gosh. TAYLOR SWIFT - Shake it off (- Don't judge me!)
Lastly...Let's go with..... Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk. 

6. Thunder storm or sunshine?
7. Who is your ultimate woman crush and man crush?
Hmm. Man crush at the moment is Dan from Bastille or Kit harrington! Mmm
Lady crush is.... Millie Mackintosh at the moment! Dem Abs....and legs!
8. What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
9. What is your favourite pass time?
I love doing arty things, chilling with my cat. shopping, gym/working out/ reading
10. Would you rather have no hands or no feet?
No feet. espcially as I could get some kind of prosthetic to make me taller, I really couldn't function without hands!
11. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Turn into any kind of animal, I'd love to see how they see the world  and think too. Perks? get about for free- you know just flying around. Could poop on a few people didn't like....  could have quite a lot of fun really!

So I'm tagging: Sophie Rebecca / farfromperfectionxo / ashka / retroandthrift / ashleighailsa  and whoever would like to do this!

And my questions are:

1. If you could shop in one shop only ( clothes wise) which would it be?
2. Favourite place to eat?
3. Favourite blush?
4. Current favourite film?
5. Name an item on your wishlist?
6. What book are you currently reading?
7. If you could be any animal which would it be?
8. Where would you love to visit?
9. favourite place in the world?
10.  MAC or NARS?
11. What makes you happy?
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Beauty Review - Daisy Delight 50ml Perfume

Safe to say I am a massive Marc Jacobs perfume fan, owning 4 of the different daisy perfumes and previously owning Oh!Lola yeah, you could say I love them! - we are just a great match. This was a lovely unexpected christmas present from my parents and I was super happy to have another daisy in my collection ( C'mon who wouldn't be happy to receive one for christmas?)

I knew I would like it before I smelt it 1) because it was MJ but 2) because my parents are actually really good at picking perfumes out for me!

It wasn't a daisy I had smelt before as I had gone straight for the pink delight edition when seeing these and didn't think look at any others. This one didn't disappoint though, it smells just as fresh and floral as all the others. It's a great sized bottle for your handbag as well ( though the lids are NOT handbag friendly) and I do wish I had smelt it before as it would have been on the never ending wishlist though it did add to the surprise!

This perfume quotes:
Its juicy and floral cocktail of quince flower, freesia, crisp apples and romantic peony capture a fresh and exuberant fragrance that is perfect for every day wear.

and I definitely agree! It's a perfect little perfume.

Ciao x
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Fitness: The beginnings.

Fitness is a really big thing for me and I wanted to put more fitness posts in my blog this year, I'm going to be doing recipes for sure but I'm not sure what else to include? What would you guys like to see? Maybe my favourite instagrammers? Youtube videos? What I have tried? Tips?
I thought I would do this post with just a few little things I have been doing to kickstart my fitness for this year. Ultimately I said in my resolutions post I want to have a toned body but I also want to become a lot more flexible, you know like crazy yoga poses flexible. 
I've been quite ill for a few months with sinusitis which means that I am really not up for going to the gym at the moment. If I feel up to it I try and to a mini workout at home with a kettlebell or weights but mostly this month the few things I have been doing: 
1- Drink green tea twice a day, usually I drink one when I get to work and after lunch
2- Drink more water, I also like to infuse my water for additonal benefits! You can read a little more about that here. Drink water is probably an obvious one but I drink enough at work and as soon as I get home I don't drink anything. 
3. Trying to eat better, I won't lie, I've still eaten many a pizza but I'm trying to eat meat and veg mostly. Snacking on carrots and hummus and eating granola for breakfast.  
It seems to have worked because I have definitely dropped off what I put on a christmas! I may do like a monthly update, with recipes in between and tips and tricks and all that jazz. What do you think?
Ciao x
PS. Check out my favourite Missguided Active pics here
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Beauty Review MAC a novel romance palette

Beauty: Review - Sephora X formula Paint the town set

10,000 views Giveaway! ( Charlotte Tilbury, Lush & Bioderma)

10,000 views! Wow, I can't beleive it! It may not be much to some big bloggers but to me that's amazing that this blog has been viewed and read that many times! It's such a positive way to start the new year!

I was at the airport and saw this mini Bioderma, I know it's still quiet difficult to find sometimes in the UK so thought that would be a nice little giveaway gift, if you've never tried it, it's the perfect little size to test out!

I knew, I just knew I had to put some Charlotte Tilbury in someones life, I have 4 of her products and she is already my favourite make up brand, I know there has been a lot of talk around Pillow talk which is a lovely pink lip liner. This is so beautiful I spent the bus ride home debating if I should keep it! Not going to lie here, I'm super jealous who gets to win this! 

Lastly I thought, Why not include my favourite bath bomb for someone to enjoy? So here is a comforter bar! 

Best of luck guys!

Ciao x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Beauty: MAC 30 Palette update

1st Row: Plum dressing, nocturnelle
2nd Row: Beautiful Iris, Girlie, Haux, Cranberry
3rd Row: Shale, Mystery, Naked Lunch, blackberry

I'm sure anyone who has tried to build a MAC palette understands the time and dedication it takes to fill one of these beauts up. Last christmas I got a palette and two eye-shadow fills. A year later I have 11 shades, I try to buy 1-2 a month depending on my outgoings. I realised I had been positing about some of the shades I had bought but not about my actual palette.

When building this palette I wanted a mix of neutrals( browns/ beiges), pinks, purples and some greens. I wrote a mega list out on the shades I wanted - which has been changed countless times. I think it's always handy to get an idea of what you want the palette to look like at the end so when you go to look you aren't buying shades on a whim that don't go together. My palette does look slightly like that especially at first but luckily some of the shades I bought on a whim goes with other shades in my palette thanks to having the aim of purples and pinks!

What shades would you recommend? I'm looking at sketch and trax...

Ciao x

P.s I just hit over 10,000 views!! Look out for a giveaway this weekend!

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MAC Lipsticks

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Beauty: 2014 favourites.

9 Tips and tricks to help with your blog design

New Year New Blog....look...

So you may notice a slightly different looking blog appearing over the last few weeks...

Part of my resolutions was to work harder at my blog and while I did like the way it looked I felt it could look a lot better and it didn't really reflect me personally, which I believe all blogs should and I have so many visions for how this blog will look. I thought I would take advantage of my time at home lazying about to start implementing some of these changes - perfect time for new year!

I've been looking all over the net for tutorials to help me sort the look out and thought I would share some I used here in case anyone was thinking the same and wanted to update their blog for the new year - or just in general!

Here are some super easy tutorials(believe me they are easy because I am USELESS at this stuff):

1, Adding Social Media buttons to your blog by hopeful honey

2. Centering the blog title and date by her & Nicole

3. Customise your 'newer' 'home' and ' older' links by pursuit of felicity

4. How to make your footer transparent by Ruby

5. top ten DIY blog tips by Joyful Life ( this was by far the most useful of them all!)

6. How to remove the grey from your header/sidebar pics by beautiful solutions

7. how to get rid of unwanted titles in the sidebar also by beautiful solutions

8. Get rid of the dotted lines between home and older tabs by Ruby ( Same Ruby newer blog! - it also gets rid of a dashed line I never even noticed before!)

9. How to add follow me links & picture to your signature by Jemma at Dorkface. There is going to be some html here, whenever I have HTML problems I ALWAYS go to Jem, she is an absolute queen at it and is so helpful and patient when I am always getting it wrong! ( go and tell her to start doing html tutorials!)

You need to go to: Settings -> posts and comments -> post template - ADD.

the past this ( don't forget to add your links!) ( if you don't want a picture don't add the first line(like me))

<center><img alt="post signature"src="YOUR LINK TO PIC HERE" /></center><p><br>
<center>Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)<p><br>
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Bloglovin</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Twitter</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Instagram</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Pinterest</u></a> - <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"><u>Facebook</u></a></center>

Let me know if these help!If you know any great tutorials let me know!

Ciao xo

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Resolutions. Hello 2015


Every year I am one of those people that sets new resolutions and never completes them( I don't feel too bad because I know I'm not the only one...). Although I didn't really complete a lot of my resolutions this past year I feel like I have made such a step forward in my life. It's been a hard year for me but whatever life has thrown at me I have pushed through and I think finally grasped what kind of person I want to be and how I can finally achieve it.

Everyone says this year is my year and I think 2014 has given me a really good step to make 2015 the best year yet!

Last year some of my resolutions were:
1) go somewhere new - I went to prague and I do also want to count glastonbury here.
2) learn a new language - I have started to properly learn Italian.
3) Get better at making plans with friends, I have kinda gotten better at this!
4) the usual - loose weight be healthy, now I may not have the millie mackintosh toned figure I would like, I have lost some weight( and maybe put some back on....bloody pizza!) and I am proud of myself for that and I have proved to myself it is possible with a bit of determination.
5) Actively sell artwork... I haven't really done this, infact I haven't really kicked off my art career which I am gutted about but I understand why I haven't and I'm not beating myself up about it, my whole art vision changed this year and I have made plans this year for the paintings I do want to do.
6) sort my money out - definitely did NOT do this! Oops.
7) quit my job and start my fashion line. I made some good steps toward my fashion line but I am a perfectionist and money also pushed me back. ( plus my sewing machine broke) but I'm fixing it in january plus getting another sewing machine and I have some money ready to print shirts and I am confident that I will get the label started next year even if I don't leave my job and its just a few designs.
8) build an impressive disney collection. I was so sad when I saw this cheeky resolution there because I haven't bought ANY disney dvds this year. what is my life!?

So 2015 resolutions? I won't go into all of them but here are a few:
1) Tone up, I want to look strong and healthy! ( plus I have a beach festival in April and I don't want to feel uncomfortable like I do now)
2) Start my clothing line. ( Keep your eyes peeled in January because I am going to need all the support I can get!)
3) Go somewhere new ( this is kinda default because I am already going somewhere new.... so maybe somewhere else new I haven't already planned....)
4) sort out my money problems.( having bills AND a shopping addiction AND a creative soul does not go well with the bank)
5) Start painting properly. ( I have half a sketchbook of ideas and at least 5 names for exhibitions...)
6) Start my second blog( you can view it here - I decided to split into two separate blogs one for beauty and one for style, this blog may be slow in January but I want to get it to the same calibre as this blog) and work harder at both blogs, I felt I learnt to be more organised and got much better at running my blog this year but I have so many visions and dreams for both blogs I know they can be so much more and that's what I want to accomplish next year.
6b) A second part to this is to be more sociable ( blog wise) I didn't really do blogging chats initially and it has been such a boost doing them, you are all so lovely, and I do still miss them at times but I want to set some time out a few hours once a week to read everyones posts and really appreciate the hard work everyone puts into their blogs and make some new friends.
7) get a new tattoo: I have so many I want but I really want to start getting my legs done up next year.
8) Be happy. be positive and help inspire and influence others. After such a negative year all I want is positivity and to send this to others.

Ultimately I have a vision for myself and next year I AM going to achieve it, Have you ever seen someone and their look, whether its hair, make up, clothes, tattoos, mannerisms, personality - they just seem to fit themselves? I get so jealous when I see people like that just so comfortable/ready to show the world who they are, I want to project out who I am as a person -  Maybe what I may do is like a monthly picture or something like a diary of what I have done to move forward to this vision or and end of year post like a before and after - What do you think? Pinterest is where most of my idea's are.

Anyway, I wish you all the best for your resolutions and years.

Most importantly for 2015: Fall in love with yourself.

Ciao x
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