February 2015 favourites

It's that time again!! Favourites!
First I will start with the Charlotte Tilbury Palette in 'Vintage Vamp', I hadn't used this for a while and suddenly started loving having burgundy eyes this month! I always love using the pearl shade in my inner corners - it's just perfect to give my eyes that little pop! 
next up we have the 'Boi-ing' concealer, I just love this under my eyes all soft and creamy it blends perfectly, This isn't fantastic on spots I find I prefer the collection 2000 concealer for that but this is a firm favourite! 
Ever since I got Charlotte Tilburys 'Amazing grace' lipstick I haven't really wanted to wear any other pink. I just love this shade so much and it goes with most make up looks! 
This month I have been loving my new Realtechniques brushes, in particular the crease brush which I find is also the perfect under eye brush, it's firmness means it's exccellent for smudging and blending too!! I really want to try out their contouring brush!
And lastly a non-beauty favourite is RuPauls drag race, I may have become sliiightly obsessed with this after Jemma told me to watch it! I can't wait for the new season to start in March!! 
What have been your favourites this month?? 
Ciao darlings x
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A little self promotion never hurt anybody

For a long long time now I have wanted to learn to sew and start a label, but thing after thing seemed to stop me no matter how I tried to overcome it. Luckily I managed to get my machine up & running last week and managed to teach myself how to sew again. I want to raise money to start my label - getting fabrics printed, tags sorted, t shirts printed and all that jazz. 
The bags come in two colours Pink with a blue zip and Black with a white zip. My camera is broke (- see everything is trying to stop me!!) so I haven't been able to get a pic of the black bags just yet. The smaller bags are 5inches and are perfect little card holders or coin purses and the bigger bags are 10 inches - perfect make up bags! 
For the small bag I am asking for £6 and the larger bag £10, I think these are reasonable prices and will help me get enough to start the label, overall there are going to be 17 little bags of each colour and 42 big bags of each colour. 
I have been 100% honest on my store and all bags function fine but some may have a little trim on the inside when I was initially making and testing the bags, they all look the same from the outside though! I just wanted to let you all know it was a possibility you may get a bag where the zip has been trimmed on the inside. 
Please help a girl out and share the news! Maybe even buy a bag or two - I would really appreciate any help!
you can buy the bags HERE ( Black and white will be available by the end of the week!)
Thanks lovelies x
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My top 5 MAC lipsticks so far

I haven't been as into MAC lately to be honest, I keep turning my lust have lists to Charlotte Tilbury and NARS but you can't deny MAC has got it when it comes to lipsticks. I own around 12 at the moment and I do I have quite a few on my list like  'Velvet Teddy' and 'Twig' as they have been real hyped up lately. In most blogger chats; a lot of the time it's  - what's your favourite MAC lipstick? so I thought I would share mine!
1. First up is Russian Red, I think this will always be my favourite and the one I will always pick when asked for my favourite. It's the one I know I can always depend on for a night out. The perfect classic red and not as drying as Ruby Woo. 
2. Yield to Love is next up, this is a limited edition ( Sorry!) but as soon as I bought this I loved it, it's a beautiful mauve shade, my shade but better. 
3. Red Balloon was an unexpected favourite, I don't usually go for bright pinks and this was an eye opener, I really want some more pinks. This was a limited edition as well ( sorry...again!) but MAC's 'all fired up' is a great alternative. 
4. Next up we have plumful, this is a more purpley mauve, and lookss great on. I love to wear this to add a little more to my make up look rather then a colour similar to my own lips. 
5. Lastly is Hearts Aflame, another limited edition ( SORRY, I really am!) this is a beautiful brick red, MACs Diva or Darkside would be a great alternatives. 
What are your favourite shades? 

Ciao x

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Beauty: Charlotte Tilbury lip liner in Pillow Talk

The topic of many a blogger wishlist: Charlotte Tilbury's 'pillow talk' - described as the perfect nude. This is a most wanted for a reason and although a excellent/ much cheaper alternative had been found, I still had to own this. I am a massive fan of CT's lip products and had to see if this lived up to the hype. 
It does. simple as that, it's an amazing nude with great coverage - my lips but better. It's creamy, soft and moisturising and yes the £16 price tag is a hefty one but I think Charlotte has proved her products are more than worth the price. It is definitely a treat product and I wouldn't hesitate to buy this again. I struggled to find a highstreet product that matched it and Rimmel's 'East end Snob' was the closest I could find. 'Pillow talk' has a little bit more of a browny hue to it and..well... who can deny how stunning the CT packaging is?
The guys at the CT counter in Manchester are super lovely and she even gave me two ' Bitch perfect' samples which just makes me want it even more! Definitely my next purchase!
What do you think of this product? 
Ciao x 
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Fitness: My top 5 Instagrammers

Apart from getting style,tattoo and beauty inspiration I love using instagram for double-tapping some  serious fitness inspiration. Workouts/food idea's you name it, I'm espcially partial to a little workout video montage. You may already know of some of these 'grammers but here are my top 5 for inspiration.
1. @thebodycoach - A lot of you may have heard the phrase Leanin15 ( and even spotted him on the apprentice) Joe posts great little recipes and the occasional workout to help you on your way. He also posts regular updates of the people on his programme and it is so inspiring! If you looking for quick and easy recipes though he's your man. He also has a youtube channel with some HIIT workouts on perfect for weight loss. 
2. @sonialevfitness - Sonia also runs her own fitness programme but I follow her for her mini video's of workouts she does that targets specific areas. The great thing about her video's are they can all be done at home mostly without any weights or equipement needed! No excuses here!
3. @russellsbc - Russell runs his unique training in london famous for his celeb clients, on his instagram he posts regular videos of all the crazy things he get's his girls to do. I tried a couple out in the gym with my mate and it was HARD. wanna up your muscle? try some of his workouts. ( you can also catch some of his workouts on Millie Mackintosh's insta.)
4. @clean_eating_alice - Alice regularly posts what she is eating so if you are ever stuck on meal idea's she is a great inspiration. She also posts before an afters so you can see the effects of her eating well and working out.
5 @rosiefortescue - Weren't expecting this were you? Rosie MIC? Rosie does posts the occasional video of what she is up to in the gym and there are some great idea's in there I want to try. I love her little video montages!
Who are your favourites?
Ciao x
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RealTechniques Bold Metals Review

This is such an unexpected post, on Thursday I received 4 of the stunning Realtechniques bold metals brushes in the post. I had absolutely no idea where they came from and a major panic I had somehow ordered them in my sleep or something! Checked all my boots accounts and no it wasn't me! I was so overwhelmed that someone would get something so beautiful for me and after some investigation - it turned out it was two of my besties from back home who wanted to surprise me with a late birthday and christmas gift!! I was so shocked and I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends! I have been having a hard time lately and these were the perfect pick me up. They have put the biggest stupid grin on my face even in these times. I had been lusting after these for a while but couldn't afford to get them!
They got me the 200 oval shadow201 pointed crease202 angled liner and 300 tapered brush. The last one is rose gold, and oh my gosh - I have such an obsession with it that me and Jemma(Dorkface) cannot stop talking about all the different rose gold things we want! These brushes are honestly gorgeous and so soft. I really wasn't sure about the price for the more expensive brushes but after feeling the tapered brush I think I am going to have to dig deep in my wallet and invest in the other brushes! What I really love is the size of the angled liner, I hadn't looked at it before but it is a lot smaller then a usual angled brush, I find them too large to do under my eye usually; so this is going to be the perfect size to help me acheive a smokey eye look this year! ( that's one of my beauty resolutions!) The silver brushes aren't as bank breaking as the other brushes so if you do want to invest I would suggest these all 3 that I have are amazing brushes! I think I may actually use the oval shadow to start highlighting my face a little more as it is quite a large eyeshadow brush and I do really need to get into highlighting.... this may also mean a cheeky purchase of the hourglass highlight palette.
Have you guys got any of these beautiful brushes? & Happy Valentines lovelies ( I'll be spending it with pizza and my cat - the cat lady dream!)
Ciao x
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Beauty - Rimmel lip liner in ' Eastend snob' a.k.a the ' pillow talk' dupe!

Whoa. Sorry I didn't put a warning for the mega face shot there! Last month I gave away CT pillow talk and just couldn't afford it for myself. I was devastated, everyone is raving about it! I searched through boots for a cheaper alternative and couldn't find one anywhere. The other week I went round again on another desperate search,as a fellow blogger had said No7's nude was a good option but I found it too brown to what I remembered. I went back to Rimmel and saw this shade and thought this looks like a match! 
The shade is in the exaggerate range in 'Eastend snob'
I really like this lip pencil, it's just as soft and creamy and may only fall slightly short of CT. the nib is a cool slant which is super easy to apply & it looks great on. I would say it's a little pinkier then CT pillow talk but if you see the photo above it's only a slight difference at £3.99 you can't really complain! £12 cheaper this is a fantastic alternative! 
I don't really use lip liners so this is something I am trying to get more into and this does make a great base, it's very similar to my own lip colour too so I have used this by itself.
Tell me some of your favourite lip liners! 
Ciao x
P.S I've got a post coming up before the end of the month on Pillow Talk so you can see the difference on my lips! 
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Beauty: Topshop Lipstick - Partition

I won't lie, I was swayed to by this because it was a Beyonce song... I had initially gone into Topshop to buy two other shades and saw this one and because of the name swatched this and I ended up loving this the most. This shade is a gorgeous pinky red shade that from memory I think is quite similar looking to MACS 'all fired up' or 'lickable'. 
I love Topshop lipsticks, I think they are just the best value and feel just as good as any MAC lipstick. Creamy,moisturising and they last for a good amount of time and hey for £8 they are a bargain!
I was using this lipstick for a post for my style blog(here) and unfortunately didn't get the time to take another picture as I've just had an op and having cotton taped to your nose is not attractive, so here was an 'outtake' pic! 
Ciao x
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Lifestyle: The travel wishlist

The Travel Wishlist
I am a massive wanderlust kinda person, I just want to travel, experience all this world has to offer and see everywhere! I'm always dreaming of holidays and exploring, I've done my fair bit of travelling but there's still a huge list for me of places I want to go! So... in no particular order! 
1) NEW YORK. Does anyone not have New York on their list? Visiting the MOMA, the park, empire state building, the list is endless! Let's not start about Sephora, Barneys, Macys and Bloomingdales! The other Iconic side to NY. I won't lie NY ain't gonna happen for a while because I wanna be ridiculously rich so I can spluuurrge and let's be honest here, I'm not getting rich anytime soon. :( One day Imma hear the call out of HAWT DAWGS GET YOUR HAWT DAWGS. One day....
2) New Zealand, considering my bestie lived here, it's kinda weird I haven't been here. New Zealand looks so beautiful, it's all I ever hear about it  and I'm also massive geek and I wanna visit the Lord of the rings and Hobbit sets. I think the ridiculously long flight is going to put me off this one.
3) Bali. I blame Elizabeth Gilbert I really do. Eat Pray Love has got me wanting to go to Bali so bad, it looks stunning. I read somewhere you can do yoga retreats here too and I would love to do that! It looks beautiful here.
4)Budapest. I could blame George Ezra but actually I've been wanting to go here for such a long time. Europe has some beaaaautiful cities I've been fortunate to go to and this is one I want to go to next! 
5) Florence. I've been to Rome and Venice and loved them both, but never Florence so this is next on my list, years ago me and Jemma at Dorkface planned this massive travel through all of Italy, sadly we just couldn't afford it but I would love to do that one day too! All the pizza and gelato you could wish for! I am currently learning Italian as I just love the language so it would be cool to try and practice it out! 
6) HARRY POTTER LAND, oh my god.I am so upset with myself that this has been open for years and I still haven't been. I am a massive Harry Potter fan, like I even named my cat after him ( before you think I am a massive geek, my cat legit has a lightening bolt on his forehead and I couldn't not call him Harry what a wasted opportunity!!) I've heard such great things - I need to be here and get myself kitted out in some more Hufflepuff gear! 
7) FESTIVALS!! Oh  my gosh, the world has some amazing festivals to offer theres tones outside of the UK I want to go to: Coachella, hideout, exit, lollapoolooza, benicassism, lowlands, optimus alive, bonnaroo,snowbombing.... I'm thinking about just festival hopping for 4 months next year! 
Where is on your list? Have you been to any of these places? 
Ciao x
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p.s this pic was taken off my mates FB so sadly I don't know the source, tag if you do!

Beauty: Benefit's - How to look the best at everything

I received this as a birthday present from one of my besties and I was so excited about it! I already have the porefessional and hello flawless foundation but since the NARS tinted  moisturiser entered my life they kinda took a side line. Now, it the complete opposite, I have turned to this everyday! Porefessional feels like CLOUDS. actual clouds on your face it is so soft and a small amount goes a long way, I use this mostly on my nose and t-section. The foundation is really soft and I don't feel it sitting on my skin or being all cakey. It doesn't make my skin feel oily either, I really rate this foundation! 
 I LOVE the concealer, it's so soft and smooth! I used to use benefits erase paste but I prefer this, I use both colours so I dot the lighter shade under the eye at each corner and use the darker shade in the middle and do a line along my cheek. This blends so well and I actually prefer this to my collection 2000 ( is that slightly controversial?) but I think it's probably because I prefer my concealer to be a bit thicker and more of a paste, if you get what I mean.
The powder is great, the make up stays on all day, I can't honestly say if its better than my Rimmel stay matte powder which is probably a lot cheaper. My only bug bear with the powder in this is that you can't take it out, you can take all the other products out and they are a great size but if you wanted to powder up later you would have to take the whole thing. 
You can actually take the whole thing out and use just the book as a little box, with it's tips and tricks this makes a great present. ( I think I can say because I was beyond chuffed with it!) 
What are your favourite benefit products? 
Ciao x
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Personal: Fringe envy

For a few weeks I have been umming and ahhing about getting my fringe cut back in, do I go for my time old side fringe? do I retry the full fringe? I was thinking about getting a full fringe again with my current brown/ombre hair especially after seeing this stunning picture on foxes instagram. 

I love everything about this picture and have some serious hair envy. I was thinking about growing out the fringe when my hair is pink but Melon's recent fringe addition is making me think I should keep it and just remember to keep going back for a fringe trim! ( usually I don't have the time to frequently visit and get my fringe trimmed, it's a poor excuse but it's true!)

What do you guys reckon? Whose your hair inspiration and are you thinking of a change?

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